Home Artists Elisabetta Bolaffio


Elisabetta Bolaffio

Trieste, Italy

10 Works exhibited on Kooness

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Works by Elisabetta Bolaffio

Composition #4


Paintings , Acrylic

80 x 80cm

6400,00 €

Free fall


Paintings , Acrylic

80 x 80cm

6400,00 €

Composition #3


Paintings , Acrylic

70 x 100cm

6800,00 €



Paintings , Acrylic

80 x 80cm

6400,00 €

Fuchsia #1


Paintings , Acrylic

120 x 100cm

8800,00 €

Composition #2


Paintings , Acrylic

80 x 80cm

6400,00 €

Composition #1


Paintings , Acrylic

70 x 100cm

6800,00 €



Paintings , Oil

100 x 80cm

2000,00 €

Elisabetta Bolaffio was born in Trieste, she has always painted, she has refined her painting techniques by attending courses held by Carmelo Vranich in his atelier, subsequently at the School of Seeing Free Academy of Fine Art in Trieste she followed the teachings of Marino Cassetti, Roberto Tigelli, Claudio Mario Feruglio, Christian Hache, Antonio Sofianopulo, Adriano Gon and Joan Arias Gonano. Her works are made with the oil on canvas technique and with mixed techniques. "She knows how to remove from the dark territories of the consciences and intimacy of the characters he tells, the experience of which he sees loneliness and small pains, as well as underlying states of well-being where a slight optimism emerges, whispered and obligatorily present with the coherent tenuous delicate positivism of the its DNA. Its informal, thanks to the changeable and iridescent iridescence of its graceful collaboration that accompanies it, even transforms it into magnetic waves such is the courtly lightness of the stroke and of the slight deposit of color that decants, as well as the nuances of the sediment material, the compact harmony of its register and its signature. [...] " Gastone Ranieri Indoni  
Collective exhibitions in Rome, Finale Ligure and Assisi, participated in "Spoleto Festival Art 2014", at the International Exhibition of Modern Art at the Iraqi consulate of the Holy See (Rome), "Sguardi d'Arte" at the Polveriera Napoleonica di Palmanova, International Exhibition of Sacred Art (PN), on permanent display at the Pulcherrina Art Gallery in Rome, collective exhibitions at the Bottega dell'Immagine and Lux ​​Art Gallery in Trieste. Personal exhibitions at the Tribbio Gallery (Trieste), Tivarnella Art Consulting contemporary Gallery (Trieste), 1758 Venice Art Studio (Venezia)