Home Artists Domenico Asmone


Domenico Asmone

Bologna, Italy

14 Works exhibited on Kooness

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Works by Domenico Asmone

Milano cromatica


Paintings , Oil

95 x 108cm

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Paintings , Oil

88.5 x 115cm

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Livorno cromatica #2


Paintings , Oil

83.5 x 120.5cm

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Sicilia cromatica - Ragusa


Paintings , Oil

100 x 80cm

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Roma cromatica


Paintings , Oil

70 x 70cm

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Tramonto cromatico a San Gimignano


Paintings , Oil

70 x 70cm

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Firenze cromatica - quando piove


Paintings , Oil

100 x 110cm

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Venezia cromatica - tramonto


Paintings , Oil

100 x 100cm

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Venezia cromatica - Piazza San Marco


Paintings , Oil

56.5 x 52.5cm

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Domenico Asmone, born in Bologna in 1963, lives in Pistoia since 1969. Self-taught artist, he paints from the ’80s, starting to participate in competitions in extemporaneous on the nire of the 90s, immediately winning success and recognition. Recently invited to be part of the project The art in the kitchen – the artists meet the chefs with the publication of the related volumes Editorial Giorgio Mondadori (2017 and 2018). Chosen by the art critic Giammarco Props for the publications Proli d’artista published by Arte In Word, 2017, The choices of Puntelli tour, 2018 and The choices of Puntelli – Genius. The mind code meets the Editorial art Giorgio Mondadori (presented at the Ufzi Gallery in Florence in September 2018). Over thirty personal exhibitions, the latest promoted by the Municipality of Pistoia in November 2016, by the Galleria del Leoncino in 2017 as part of the events sponsored by the Municipality of Pistoia for Pistoia Capitale della Cultura Italiana 2017 and by the Municipality of Gubbio (PG) at Palazzo Bargello – Museo della Balestra in 2018. More than two hundred collective exhibitions in Italy and abroad. He has participated in numerous art galleries in Italy and abroad, including the most recent ones in Hong Kong and in Lausanne with the Gallerie Colonna of Appiano Gentile and Perlini of Reggio Calabria. Reference galleries: Galleria Colonna (Appiano Gentile – CO), Galleria Perlini Arte (Reggio Calabria), Orler Affordable Art Point (Marcon – Venice), Satura Art Gallery (Genoa), Galleria ONART (Florence), Galleria Vittoria (Rome), Serart Gallery (Reggio Calabria), Arone & Arone Gallery (Locri – RC), 93 Prato Contemporary Art, Expart Gallery (Bibbiena – AR). They wrote about him Mario Agnoli, Furio Allori, Stefano Barbieri, Ugo Barlozzetti, Andrea Bolognesi, Anna Brancolini, Antonio Castellana, Sabrina Falzone, Roberta Filippi, Fabio Flego, Paolo Gestri, Pier Francesco Listri, Ilaria Minghetti, Micael Musone, Federico Napoli, Nicola Nuti, Elisa Polidori, Giammarco Puntelli, Siliano Simoncini, Anna Soricaro, Mary Sperti, Maurizio Tuci, Arrigo Valiani. His works in public and private collections. In the last ten years, he has combined his pictorial activity as a cultural operator. He has edited, as organizer, numerous artistic events, among which we remember: Giuseppe Gavazzi, drawings, Galleria del Leoncino Pistoia, 2013 – Lando Landini, drawings of Paris, Museo Marino Marini Pistoia, 2014 – Antonio Possenti, the great puppeteer , Galleria del Leoncino Pistoia, 2014 – Lando Landini, a life for art, frescoed halls Municipality of Pistoia, – Giuliano Gori, avant-garde in contemporary art, Galleria del Leoncino Pistoia, 2016 – Aurelio Amendola, art and art ci, Galleria del Leoncino Pistoia, 2017. Author of the story Dear Arrigo I am writing to you, Edizioni Brigata del Leoncino, 2012.