Home Artists Marco Ferri


Marco Ferri

Tarquinia, Italy

9 Works exhibited on Kooness

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Works by Marco Ferri

Senza Titolo


Drawings , Acrylic , Charcoal , Oil

42 x 30cm

1300,00 €



Paintings , Acrylic , Mixed Media

55 x 65 x 5cm

2900,00 €

Tra le righe


Paintings , Mixed Media , Acrylic

83 x 115 x 5cm

4900,00 €

Motivetti emotivi


Paintings , Mixed Media , Acrylic

47 x 42 x 4cm

2200,00 €

Motivi emotivi



96 x 113 x 5cm

5000,00 €

Tanto grate


Paintings , Mixed Media , Acrylic

71 x 56 x 5cm

3100,00 €

Marco Ferri was born in Tarquinia on January 14, 1968. For as long as he can remember, he has been seen with coloured pencils or something else concocting. When he was about 10 years old he attended a workshop called Etruscoludens where Roberto Sebastian Matta used to come and experiment with everything, mostly ceramics. Here, he discovered a world and fell in love! You know, however, that when you are a boy you fall in love with everything, and after three years he started in the boy's hard profession and changed his life completely, 'learn a trade, it will do you good!' his father told him! And so he did, he learnt many trades.

Today, he finds himself doing the same things he did as a child, and it is incredible for him to think that part of his world has ended up in private and public collections and even of a certain relevance, such as the Bank of Italy, the Bologna Trade Fair, collectors, critics and people who value his work.

In 2016 six works were acquired by the Bank of Italy's contemporary art collection. Exhibitions include: D’altro Canto, Auditorium San Pancrazio, Tarquinia – Hypothesis, Atto I, Nuova Galleria Morone, Milano – Green, Galleria Il Sole, Roma (2021) – M’al tempo stesso e viceversa, Galleria il Sole, Roma – Dolci carezze di sale, Galleria La Fonderia, Firenze (2019) – Pan Hormos, Palermo città porto, at "la Banca D’Italia di Palermo", a cura di Giorgia Salerno – A cor leggero, curated by Philippe Daverio, Biblioteca del Daverio, Milano (2018) – A prevalente regime di brezza, Testo di Ivan Quaroni, Morotti Arte Contemporanea, Milano – Motivi d’incerta rilevanza, Galleria C2 Contemporary Art, Firenze (2017) – Artefiera Bologna Solo Show, Morotti Arte Contemporanea, Daverio, Varese – In principio è la terra, Forte di Gavi, curated by Resilienza Italiana, Kevin Mc Manus and Matteo Galbiati (2016) – In-costrante rilevanza, Morotti Arte Contemporanea, Daverio, Varese – La ceramica contemporanea in Italia, curated by Luciano Marziano e Mariastella Margozzi, Galleria Nazionale di Arte Moderna, Roma (2015) – Per certi versi, curated by Francesca Baboni e Stefano Taddei. Galleria Bonioni Arte, Reggio Emilia – Ad Alessandria fa molto caldo, Biblioteca Vallicelliana, Roma – Per corsi per versi, Studio Apeiron, Sovigo MI (2012) – Terracolta, Musei di San Salvatore in Lauro, Roma – Percorso cromatici, Galleria Bonioni Arte, Reggio Emilia (2011) – Palazzo Comunale, Tarquinia – Tana libera tutti, Galleria Il Sole, Roma – Galleria Beim Engel Lussemburgo, Istituto Italiano di Bruxelles (2010) – Ruritalia, Sala dei Dioscuri del Quirinale, Roma e Sala Sacchetti, Tarquinia – Un castello per l’arte contemporanea, Castello di San Giorgio, Maccarese, Roma (2009) – Di terra e di luce, presso Tarquinia Auditorium San Pancrazio (2008).