Home Artists Bruno Ollé


Bruno Ollé


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Works by Bruno Ollé

Born in Barcelona, Spain. Lives and works in Berlin and Barcelona. 2001-2004 Studies of Arts, Eina Art and Design School, Barcelona. 2011-2012 Teacher in IDEP.

SELECTED SOLO EXHIBITIONS & PROJECTS 2016- Back to R.A.L., Atelier Relief, Brussels 2016- R.A.L. Palau de Casavells, Girona 2016- "Archivo Anónimo" The Laboratory Gallery, Barcelona 2016- "Ensayo Error" L&B Gallery ,Barcelona 2014- "R.A.L." Galeria Miquel Alzueta, Barcelona 2013- "Hoy es siempre todavía" Fundació Suñol, Nivell Zero, Barcelona 2012- "No atreverse es fatal" LA CASA ENCENDIDA (Espacio Caja Madrid), Madrid 2011- "Redestinar" L'Atelier-Kunst(Spiel)Raum, Berlin 2011- "Temporal continuo", Galería Antoni Pinyol, Reus 2010- "Collection of dead particles" GlogauAIR, Berlin 2010- "Collection of dead particles" Vladimiro Izzo Gallery, Berlin 2009- “Estudio para retrato de un cuerpo ausente” LOOP, Festival, Ysabel Pinyol Gallery, Barcelona 2009- “Abandono” Ysabel Pinyol Gallery, Barcelona 2008- “La Noche en Blanco” La Grada Theater, Madrid 2008- “Estudio para retrato de un cuerpo ausente” Festival de las Artes de Castilla y León /Capilla Fonseca, Salamanca 2004- “Works” Centre Jujol-Can Negre, Sant Joan Despí, Barcelona 2004- Ámister Hotel, Barcelona 2003- Founding member Parashuts (created by artists of all disciplines: visual arts, music, movies, video, dance, theater SELECTED GROUP EXHIBITIONS

 & ART FAIRS 2017- LA Art Show, Pigment Gallery, Los Angeles 2016- Context Miami, Pigment Gallery, Miami 2016- St. Art Strasburg, Pigment Gallery, Strasburg 2016- Antica Namur, GMA, Namur 2016- Art Fair Colonia, Pigment Gallery, Colonia 2016- Art Elyssees, G.M.A., Paris 2016- Geneva Pop Up, Pigment Gallery, Geneva 2016- Barcelona Gallery Weekend, Barcelona 2016- New Season G.M.A., Barcelona 2016- Positions, G.M.A, Berlin 2016- ArtHamptons, Pigment Gallery, New York 2016- Affordable Art Fair UK, Palau de Casavells, London 2016- Scope Basel, G.M.A., Basel 2016- Art16, G.M.A., London 2016- ArtMarket, Pigment Gallery, San Francisco 2016- ArtParis, Grand Palais, G.M.A., Paris 2016- Eurantica Brussels Fine Art Fair, G.M.A., Brussels 2016- ArtMadrid, G.M.A., Madrid 2015- "BAS" Galerie Mestdagh, Brussels 2015- "R.A.L." Manzana Mahou, Madrid 2015- “Redestinar” LOOP Festival, The Laboratory, Barcelona 2015- "Falsos Antagonismos" The Laboratory, Barcelona 2015- "Extranyament" Sala Fortuny, Reus 2015- Eurantica Brussels Fine Art Fair, Brussels 2015- Art Madrid, G.M.A., Madrid 2015- G.M.A (Imi Knoebel, Miquel Mont, Bruno Ollé), Barcelona 2014- Nada se detiene. Acto y Prefacio, DAFO, Lleida ( LA PANERA + FUNDACIÓ SUÑOL), Barcelona 2014- "Shuffle" Kreuzberg Pavillon, Berlin 2014- Galería Miquel Alzueta, Barcelona 2013- ROOM ART FAIR, Madrid 2013- Galería Miquel Alzueta, Barcelona 2012- "De la oscuridad viene la luz" Centro Cultural Galileo, Madrid 2011- "The mood´s district/an das archaische" /Kreuzberg Pavillon, Berlin 2011- "Texture of white flag", (Decollage Magazine) Corretgers5, Barcelona 2011- "Random", Berlin 2011- "Künstlerischer Großeinsatz 1.Mai"/ Kreuzberg Pavillon, Berlin 2010- Pilota, Berlin 2010- PARK / Das Appartement, Berlin 2010- Home Sweet Home, Berlin 2010- GlogauAIR, Berlin 2010- Videoformes, Berlin 2008- ArtMadrid, Barcelona Galery, Madrid 2007- ArtMardid, Barcelona Galery, Madrid 2007- “Desubicado” Comafosca node d’Art i Pensament a Alella, Barcelona 2007- “Artistas de la Galería” Galería Barcelona 2006- Arte Fiera Bologna / Barcelona Galery, Bologna 2006- ARTBO (Feria Internacional de Arte Contemporaneo de Bogotá)/Barcelona Galery, Bogotá 2006- “Artistas de la Galería” Galería Barcelona 2005- Arte Fiera Bologna /Barcelona Galery, Bologna 2005- ARTBO (Feria Internacional de Arte Contemporaneo de Bogotá)/Barcelona Galery, Bogotá 2005- “De Miró a Clavé” Monasterio de Sant Cugat, Barcelona 2001- “Books” Traghetto Gallery, Venecia COLLECTIONS Mark Zuckerberg & Priscilla Chan (Facebook) Jan Koum (whatsapp founder) Fundació Vila Casas Olor Visual Entrecanales SELECTED AWARDS & GRANTS 2016- Selected Residencies Atelier-Relief Brussels 2013- First Award, Humet-Saula 2010- Selected Residencies GlogauAIR /March/ August, Berlin

 2008- Residence granted by the University of Salamanca for the development of "Study for Portrait of absent body" (Dance - installation), Salamanca 2004- First Award, Jujol-Can Negre ARTIST PUBLICATIONS/ BOOKS/ VIDEOS 2011- "Resestinar" video and book 2011- "Diario de un temporal continuo" object 2010- “Todo siempre nunca nada” book 2008- “Estudio para retrato de un cuerpo ausente” video 2008- “Enhebrado y muerto” video 2008- “Artefactos” book.