Home Artists Lorenzo and Simona Perrone


Lorenzo and Simona Perrone


7 Works exhibited on Kooness

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Works by Lorenzo and Simona Perrone



Sculpture , Mixed Media

50 x 73 x 23cm

4800,00 €

A Pluribus Unum


Sculpture , Mixed Media

120 x 160 x 30cm

12000,00 €

Effetto Libro


Sculpture , Mixed Media

28 x 125 x 15cm

4000,00 €

Il Nostro DNA


Sculpture , Mixed Media

65 x 25 x 25cm

4500,00 €

La Pienezza Del Vuoto


Sculpture , Mixed Media

84 x 89 x 21cm

8000,00 €

Ho Perso Le Parole


Sculpture , Mixed Media

7 x 64 x 47cm

4400,00 €

Io e Te, Vento Nel Vento


Sculpture , Mixed Media

27 x 30 x 32cm

2000,00 €

Lorenzo Perrone was born in Milan where he attended the painting course at the Castello Sforzesco and the Humanitarian Book School, the latter training which will mark him significantly. His professional life moves to the field of graphics and communication between Milan, London and New York.
In 2000 Perrone returned to his youthful artistic aspirations, leaving the screamed language of advertising for the silent one of sculpture. It restarts from the two fundamental concepts of his training: books, for him a symbol of salvific culture and study, and white as a search for the essential. With his works, he seeks a more intimate, more spiritual relationship with himself and with the "other". It is in this period that he begins to work on his White Books.
Simona Vanzetto was born and studied in Florence, curious and eclectic, she debuts in her professional life in Paris where she expresses herself through costume, fashion and photography. In the 1990s she returned to Italy and Tuscany where she opened a small niche design and communication studio. She is passionate about Yoga, she is a social activist, in 2006 she met Lorenzo with whom she was born a deep partnership of life and artistic research to develop together the LibriBianchi project.

White Books
The LibriBianchi are the expression of a personal artistic research by Lorenzo and Simona Perrone that has been developing for over twenty years and that explores the world of books and strongly establishes the binomial book / culture as a synonym for civilization.
Lorenzo and Simona use real books on which they rage with water, glue and plaster, thus obtaining a raw material on which they intervene with various apparently foreign materials such as barbed wire, glass, stones, woods and white paint.
Thus a shift of perception from the semantic to the symbolic dimension takes place: the volume is molded and translated towards an accentuated symbolism that transforms it into sculpture.
In the end, covered in white, each book becomes an Archetype, a symbol of Culture and Knowledge and screams in silence to be read otherwise.
Since 2015 Lorenzo and Simona have extended their production to large installations and bronze, to bring the book closer to infinite livability. Sensitive to contemporary issues, their research evolves towards social and environmental issues.
Appreciated by bibliophiles and collectors, LibriBianchi are exhibited in numerous art galleries and institutions in Italy and abroad.

2022 “BOOKS HAVE THE POWER” BianchiZardin Contemporary Art, Milano
2022 “BOOKS HAVE THE POWER” Libreria Feltrinelli, Milano
2020 “LIBRI, MATERIA PRIMA” Studio Danovi, Milano
2019 “DI VENTO E DI MARE” Liquid Art Gallery, Pantelleria
2017 “LIBRI, CIBO DELL’ANIMA” Galleria Frascione, Firenze
2017 “SHAKESPEARE IN WHITE” The British Institute of Firenze
2016 “SHAKESPEARE IN WHITE” Galleria Jannone, Milano
2016 “SHAKESPEARE IN WHITE” La Kasa dei Libri, Milano
2015 “PAGINE AL VENTO” La stanza del vento, Montemarcello
2014 “UNA CERTA IDEA DI BIANCO” Libreria Sovilla, Cortina
2014 “TERRA MADRE” Installazione ArteLibro, Bologna
2013 “ANIMA MUNDI“ Biblioteca Harold Acton, The British Institute of Firenze
2013 “COME MUSICA” ArteLibro, Bologna
2013 “IN VOLO” Nuova Biblioteca Leontine, Villa Giacobazzi, Sassuolo
2013 “IL MIO CANTO LIBERO” Libreria Nardini, Le Murate, Firenze
2012 “IL MONDO OFFESO” Installazione ArteLibro, Bologna
2012 “TORRI” Grand Hotel Baglioni, ARTEFIERA OFF Bologna
2011 “C’ERA UNA VOLTA UN RE...” Galleria Morotti, Varese
2011 “SCRIPTA MANENT” Libreria Bocca, Milano
2011 “TOTEM 150” SalaBorsa, Palazzo d’Accursio, Bologna
2011 “LA MIA EUROPA” Galleria Frascione, Firenze
2011 “THE READING ROOM” Abecedarian Gallery, Denver – USA
2010 “LIBRI BIANCHI in MUSICA” Music Heaven, Museo della Musica, Bologna
2010 “LIBRI BIANCHI” Galleria Al Blu di Prussia, Napoli
2009 “LIBRI BIANCHI” Studio Dimore – Palazzo Peruzzi, Firenze
2009 “LIBRI BIANCHI” Galleria Antonia Jannone, Milano
2008 “LIBRI BIANCHI” Libreria Bocca, Milano
2004 “IL BIANCO IN LIBRERIA” Libreria Tikkun, Milano

2022 “NATURAE” Galleria Paola Forni, Bologna
2021 “NATURA IN ARTE” Orto Botanico di Brera, Milano
2021 “WHITE” Galleria Paola Forni, Bologna
2021 “OGGETTO LIBRO” ADI Design Museum, Milano
2020 “IL SENSO DELLA NATURA” La stanza del vento, Montemarcello
2019 “BIANCO” Galleria Ca D’Oro, New York – USA
2019 “INDAGINE COSTRUTTIVISTA” Libreria Bocca, Milano
2018 “MATERIA DIVINA” La stanza del vento, Montemarcello
2017 “50° Anniversario” Galleria Paola Forni, Bologna
2017 “CETACEA” Galleria Babele, Scarlino
2016 “ARTE & FANGO” Galleria Frascione, Firenze
2016 “BOOKART” Beyond reading, Pordenone
2016 “APPRODO AL FARO” Galleria Babele, Scarlino
2016 “SOLOSCULTURA” Galleria Paola Forni, Bologna
2015 “ARTWALK” Galleria Katic, Stuttgard, GERMANY
2015 “INTO THE WHITE” Galleria Ca D’Oro, New York – USA
2014 “...E VISSERO FELICI E CONTENTI” Libreria Babele, Firenze
2014 “I COLORI DEL BIANCO” Galleria Paola Forni, Bologna
2014 “ARTWALK” Galleria Katic, Stuttgart - GERMANY
2014 “RACCONTI BREVI” Galleria Morotti, Varese
2014 “LASSU’ SULLE MONTAGNE” Libreria Sovilla, Cortina
2013 “LASSU’ SULLE MONTAGNE” Galleria Paola Forni, Bologna
2013 “ENCHANTED AFTERLIFE“ ArtCube Gallery, Laguna Beach, California – USA
2013 “NE LA PITTURA TENER LO CAMPO” Chiostri Francescani, Ravenna
2013 “FINCHE’ LA BARCA VA” Galleria Paola Forni, Bologna
2013 “MIMESIS” VARIAZIONI SUL LIBRO, Biblioteca degli Uffizi, Firenze
2013 “KINDERGARTEN” Galleria Antonia Jannone, Milano
2013 “CON LA BESTIA NEL CUORE” Galleria Arte A Colori, Colle Val d’Elsa
2013 “IL CLASSICO DEI TRE CARATTERI” Libreria Bocca, Milano
2013 “ANESTESIA TOTALE” SETUP Artfair, Bologna
2012 “CULTURED” MADinItaly, Miami - USA
2012 “ZOO, animali in galleria” Galleria Consadori, Milano
2012 “ARTWALK” Galleria Katic, Stuttgart - GERMANY
2012 “SCENA BIANCA” Galleria Consadori, Milano
2012 “TABULA RASA” Galleria OTTO, Firenze
2012 “IL MONDO OFFESO” Installazione ArteLibro, Bologna
2012 “FUORILEGGE” Galleria Arte A Colori, Colle Val d’Elsa
2012 “FOGLI DI CARTA” Spazio Tadini, Milano
2012 “ARTISTI IN MOVIMENTO” Pad. Arte contemporanea, Parma
2012 “LO STATO DELL’ARTE” 54 Biennale di Venezia. Padiglione italia, Torino
2012 “APOKALIPS” Grattacielo Pirelli, Milano
2012 “PINOCCHIO Biennale 2012” Arte Babele, Firenze
2012 “FUORILEGGE” Galleria Arte A Colori, Colle Val d’Elsa, Firenze
2012 “CROCIFISSIONE” Cenacolo di Bagutta, Milano
2011 “VIAGGIO NEL PAESAGGIO” Galleria Babele, Firenze
2011 “ARTELIBRO” Festival del Libro d’Arte, Bologna
2011 “OH!NIRICA” Galleria OTTO, Firenze
2011 “PREMIO BASI” Winner Premio Arte contemporanea, Grosseto
2011 “ARTISTI IN MOSTRA” Galleria Antonia Jannone, Milano
2011 “THE READING ROOM” Abecedarian Gallery, Denver - USA
2010 “FOOTBALL PORTRAITS” Galleria Frascione, Firenze
2010 “CAOS BIANCO” Finalista IV° Premio Le Segrete di Bocca, Milano
2009 “NEO WUNDERKAMMER” Spazio Fabrizio Cocchi, Bologna
2009 “DANTE 100X100” Chiostro dei Glicini - Società Umanitaria, Milano
2009 “LIVRES BLANC“ Galerie Le Studiolo, Parigi
2009 “SENSI FEMMINILI, SENSI MATERICI” Galleria Gli Eroici Furori, Milano
2008 “LA CENSURA NELL’ARTE” Le Segrete di Bocca, Milano
2005 “PAGINE AL VENTO” Il Pozzo delle Arti, Capalbio (Grosseto)
2004 “LIBRI BIANCHI” Cascina del Guado, Robecchetto con Induno, Milano
2004 “IL BIANCO IN LIBRERIA” Libreria Tikkun, Milan