Home Artists Josep Llorens Artigas


Josep Llorens Artigas

1892 - 1980
Barcelona, United States

1 Works exhibited on Kooness

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Works by Josep Llorens Artigas




26 x 20cm


Artigas is considered the most innovative ceramist of his generation. A student at the Galí Art School and the Superior School of Fine Crafts in Barcelona, he also stood out as an art critic at La Veu de Catalunya. In 1921 he travelled to Paris, where he settled two years later. There he came into contact with other Spanish artists, among them Pablo Picasso and Joan Miró, with whom he established a relationship of friendship and collaboration. In those years he made ceramics with Raoul Dufy, and in 1927 he exhibited in the Bernheim-Jeune Gallery in Paris the so-called "jardins de salon", created in collaboration with Dufy and Nicolau M. Rubió Tudurí. He held solo exhibitions in Barcelona, Madrid, Paris, Brussels, London and New York. He received various awards, such as the honorary diploma of the Milan Triennial (1936) and the grand prize of the III Hispano-American Biennial of Art (1955).