Home Artists La Pupazza


La Pupazza

Tricase, Puglia, Italy

8 Works exhibited on Kooness

Current location

Milan, Italy

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Works by La Pupazza

Three pasta



70 x 50cm

498,00 €

Magic angel



70 x 50cm

498,00 €

Women hearts



70 x 50cm

498,00 €

Lemon spaghetti



70 x 50cm

498,00 €

Donna che soffia


Paintings , Acrylic

70 x 50cm

500,00 €



Paintings , Acrylic

70 x 50cm

500,00 €

L'albero di Milano


Paintings , Acrylic

40 x 106cm

700,00 €

Eleonora De Giuseppe, in art La Pupazza, is an artist from Salento, born in Tricase in 1985 with a degree at DAMS in Bologna. Her stage name was created in 2008, when she began to realize her first street artworks in South Italy. Her style is unique and recognizable: an original, dreamlike and magic art. The murales and artworks are psychedelic and tell us about a brilliant world, in infinite bubbles of bright colors which communicate her great desire to live. She realized exhibitons in Italy and Europe, like Düsseldorf, Paris, and Amsterdam. 

The artist said:

When I was a child, before to go to spleep, I moved my finger in the air, drawing for hours. One day my father told me that he looked at me curious and asked me: "what are you doing?" "I am drawing, can't you see that?", I answered with a puzzled tone, like if anyone could see all the figures in the air. Today, like in the past, I live intensely these moments, when I paint I am part of these magic spaces. The "Human Jugs", the grinder that transforms roses in strawberries and pyramids in skyscrapers, the sauce becomes wine, the plate of pastasciutta that becomes a lady called, Asciutta Pasta. I often find in the paradoxes the true. And the world, seeing on the contrary, is so much beautiful.