Home Artists Julian Burgos


Julian Burgos


1 Works exhibited on Kooness

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Works by Julian Burgos

Hunting scene


Paintings , Oil

86 x 116cm


Born in 1976 in Colombia, Julian Burgos lived in his homeland and then moved to United States and Canada. He graduated from the Bogota School of Arts. Following this, he moved to France and continued his artistic training in Montpelier, then joined the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Marseille, the Fine Arts Academy in Bologna, and eventually Viaduc des Arts in Paris. Burgos's work is marked by several influences and inspirations: 18th and 19th century painting, painting history, portraits...He plays around with realistic representative rules and suggests a reflection through patterns. He plays around with our look and perceptions through flat tints and brush strokes, disfiguring the body and face. The outcome is fun and aesthetically pleasing.