Home Artists Henni Alftan


Henni Alftan


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Works by Henni Alftan

Born 1979 in Helsinki, Finland Living and working in Paris, France

Solo Exhibitions 2017 One Sweet Moment, Galerie Claire Gastaud, Clermont-Ferrand, France Shadows in the Mirror, Z Gallery Arts, Vancouver, BC. Canada 2016 The Missing Picture, Galleria Sculptor, Helsinki, Finland Entrevu, Iconoscope, Montpellier, France 2015 Solo stand, Art Paris Art Fair, mars 2015, Galerie Claire Gastaud, Grand Palais, Paris Enlighten, Forum Box Monttu, Helsinki, Finland 2014 Henni Alftan, Galerie Claire Gastaud, Clermont-Ferrand, France (CNAP-aide à la première exposition) 2013 Henni Alftan, Galerie Anhava Studio, Helsinki, Finland 2012 Série noire, Galleria Huuto Viiskulma, Helsinki, Finland 2011 Two Shadows, Gallery Artists’Studio, Helsinki, Finland 2007 Henni Alftan & Susanna Majuri, Histoires singulières, Galerie de la Ferronerie, Paris 2006 L’art de s’echapper, Pollen/Monflanquin, France Henni Alftan, Les Bains Douches, DAC Antibes, France Group Exhibitions 2017 Color and Form - works from the Vexi Salmi collection, Hämeenlinna Art Museum, Finland Les retrouvailles, by Guillaume Pinard, Musée des beaux-arts de Brest, France Peindre, dit-elle- Chap.2, Musée des Beaux-arts de Dole, France, curators Annabelle Ténèze, Julie Crenn & Amélie Lavin YIA fair, Brussels, with Galerie Claire Gastaud, Belgium Galeristes art fair, with Galerie Claire Gastaud, Paris, France Scope art fair, with Z Gallery Arts, Metropolitan Pavilion, New York, USA Context Art Miami (fair), with Z Gallery Arts, Miami, USA