Home Artists Tony Gallo


Tony Gallo


0 Works exhibited on Kooness


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Works by Tony Gallo

Tony Gallo was born in Padua in 1975. Following an early career as a musician, in 2008 he decided to move into the world of art, where he showed his volition as an original street artist. Self taught, he he prefers not to follow predetermined rules. His emotions and moods are unfiltered in his paintings which are authentic emotional art. In his works Tony Gallo is able to combine with elegance the raw and decisive gestures typical of street art. The artist says: In my works the human form is like a second skin,which has the ability to camouflage itself in nature taking on the forms of an animal or a tree, whilst maintaining however the feelings, the emotions and the values of men. This artistic research has become an introduction into a magical journey from which I have learnt an important lesson, which is contradictory in that you need to look beyond reality but at the same time not trust in what you see. I love thinking that my artistic expression provokes reactions and feelings of curiosity in observers that stem from the profound need to explore an imaginary world that only a few know about, and I like to believe that others will be able to get a glimpse of. My subjects are hidden in bright colours in order to be better accepted, but at the same time not be afraid of being judged because they feature a hidden personality ready to delve into the emotions of the the people that they interact with.

2016 Premio Noi#Generazione Merito, Galileo Festival dell'Innovazione, Padova - Italy