Home Artists Christian Frederiksen


Christian Frederiksen


22 Works exhibited on Kooness

Current location

Calgary, Canada

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Works by Christian Frederiksen

Sun-Scorched Seaweed


Drawings , Paintings , Oil , Acrylic

17.78 x 38.1 x 0.25cm

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Sweltering Marsh


Drawings , Watercolors , Acrylic

35.56 x 53.34 x 0.51cm

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The Fire Tree


Drawings , Watercolors , Acrylic

30.48 x 25.4 x 0.51cm

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Dreary School Day


Drawings , Watercolors

10.8 x 25.4 x 0.51cm

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Cyclops 3


Paintings , Oil , Wood

60.96 x 29.21 x 1.27cm

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Medusa 3


Paintings , Oil , Wood

60.96 x 29.21 x 1.27cm

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Cylcops 2


Drawings , Watercolors

35.56 x 29.21 x 1.27cm

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Medusa 2


Drawings , Watercolors

35.56 x 29.21 x 1.27cm

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Searching for Lachin, Ghost


Drawings , Oil

49.02 x 71.12 x 1.27cm

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Lachin Monotype, Red Roof


Drawings , Oil

25.4 x 15.24 x 1.27cm

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Christian Frederiksen is a Canadian artist born in 1989 who lives and works in Calgary, Canada. He loves to experiment with new ways of creating imagery by collaborating with digital intelligence, exploring both digital and analog techniques, and delving into the unfamiliar subject matter. He often paints landscapes and studies the human form. He studied illustration at Alberta University of the Arts, formerly Alberta College of Art and Design where he earned his BDes. He has also worked in illustration and published comics. Christian's latest project, "Take Me Home", found him traveling around Azerbaijan and collaborating with artists there to create a group exhibition.