Home Artists Tano Festa


Tano Festa

1938 - 1988
Rome, Italy

1 Works exhibited on Kooness

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Works by Tano Festa

Da Michelangelo



40 x 70cm


Tano Festa began his career as a painter unofficially (as he himself says in one of his last interviews) as a child, driven by his father, who encouraged him to paint as a hobby and officially in 1961, when he held his first personal exhibition at the Gallery "La Ascent "in Rome, a few years after graduating in artistic photography at the Art Institute of the same city (1957).

The foundation for his artistic career is certainly the participation in the exhibition "The New Realism" in New York together with Schifano, Baj and Rotella, but also the first Venice Biennale of 1964 where, for the first time, the public can admire a of his famous "Persiane", works with a clearly metaphysical flavor and New Dada. This kind of work is deeply connected to the tragic story of the death of the artist's brother, Francesco Lo Savio (they were registered with different surnames), who had taken his life in Marseille, in a hotel: reading the reasons for his gesture in a tragic and heroic key, Tano Festa begins to see the objects that surround him in a melancholy way, bringing out their metaphysical side, bordering on human mortality; not by chance they are often defined by him as "thresholds".

Moreover Festa is considered one of the greatest exponents of the so-called Italian Pop Art, on which it gives a particularly meaningful reading during an interview: "I belong to what was wrongly called" Italian Pop Art ". Now, what we did was popular, not pop. The Americans were "Pop Artists" because they depicted real consumer objects as artistic symbols from which to draw inspiration. We Italians have been "Popular" because we have succeeded, on the other hand, in consuming art itself with quotations and extrapolations, such as those made by me on the Michelangelo fragments of the Last Judgment. Jasper Johns, Oldenburg and Warhol could instead express the art well with the American flag, with soup cans and bronze brushes. Those objects more than others represented American culture and it was logical and right for them to emphasize them. But I had to deal with Leonardo and Michelangelo, I couldn't invent anything "(Dimitri Buffa's May 1987 interview with Tano Festa, in the Roman gallery of Francesco Soligo). And in fact, still in the early 1960s, he began his analysis of the great Italian artists, becoming famous above all for his reworkings by the Michelangelo of the Sistine Chapel and the Medici Chapels. The artist transposes photographic details or projections on canvases taken from his famous works, manipulating them through the pictorial intervention or repainting them completely in enamel, interpreting them as advertisements: they have in this way as a second life, in a surreal dimension that allows an immediate understanding and a simple reading key. Over the years his re-readings of icons are continually re-proposed, becoming icons in their turn.

A rather difficult period passes, during which he fails to express his creativity and the recognition of criticism is missing, but then he is invited to the Venice Biennale of 1980, 1984: of this period are the so-called "Coriandoli", highly poetic cycles and sublime.

Solo Exhibitions

1961 Galleria La Salita, Rome - "Tano Festa" - text by Cesare Vivaldi.

1963 Galleria La Tartaruga, Rome - "Tano Festa" 6 May 1963. Text G. De Marchis.

Galleria Schwarz, Milan - "Tano Festa" - introduction. Edited by C. Vivaldi.

"J" Gallery, Paris - "Feast" - text by P. Restany.

1965 Galleria Notizie, Turin - text by Marisa Volpi.

Galleria Del Leone, Venice. "Tano Festa" inaugurated on April 30th at 7 pm

1966 Galleria Schwarz, Milan - "The planetarium of Tano Festa" - text by Maurizio Fagiolo Dall'Arco.

1967 La Salita Gallery, Rome. "Festa" works 1960 - 66, 28 April.

1968 Greece "Taho Hecta" 5/15 January.

La Chiocciola Gallery, Padua. "Tano Festa". 1 - 15 February, (Text by Maurizio Fagiolo: "The planetarium of Tano Festa")

Arco d’Alibert, Rome. "Feast" from October 18th to November 6th. Text by Furio Colombo.

Galleria Del Centro, Vercelli. "Tano Festa" Saturday 14 December 1968.

Gallery KNU, Belgrade.

Galleria Il Punto, Turin.

1969 Galleria Il Punto, Turin, "Tano Festa"

1970 La Tartaruga Gallery, Rome - Tano Festa "Private paintings".

Galleria Il Punto, Calice Ligure.

1971 Il Salotto, Genoa. "Tano Festa" from 19 June to 2 July 1971

1972 Galleria Levi, Milan. "Tano Festa" - 12 years of work - 1960 - 1972,

inauguration Tuesday 23 May 1972 6 pm, May - June. (Catalog

presentation by T. Trini).

Galleria Valadier, Rome. "Staff of Tano Festa", 15 May - 9 June. (on the artist's drawing brochure executed for the inauguration).

1973 Galleria L’Oca, Rome - "Tano Festa" Drawings.

1974 La Tartaruga, Rome - "Tano Festa".

Modern art gallery, Fano. "Tano Festa - recent works" from 27 July to 18 August.

Hausammann Gallery, Mestre. "Tano Festa", inauguration Thursday 19 September at 17. (Catalog with text by G. Marchiori)

1975 Art Gallery Cocorocchia, Milan - "Tano Festa". From April 18th to May 14th. Text by M. Calvesi.

Galleria D’Arte Nanni, Bologna. "Tano Festa".

1976 Galleria Sperone, Rome - "Family history of tools".

1979 Galleria Dell'Oca, Rome - "Rebus".

1980 Galleria Sprovieri, Rome - "Coriandoli".

1981 "Tano Festa - The mirages" Studio Soligo, Rome. Text by Italo Mussa.

1982 Ezio Pagano Gallery, Bagheria - "Tano Festa".

Procaccini Gallery, Lanciano - "Tano Festa".

Galleria Poliedro, Bagheria - "Tano Festa".

1983 Studio Soligo, "The Milky Way" text by Dario Bellezza.

Gallery Place of Gauss, Milan - "The Milky Way".

Galleria Cicconi - Macerata.

1984 Studio Soligo, Rome - "The day of the birth".

Galleria l'Indiano, Florence - "The desert and the oasis".

1986 Studio Soligo, Rome - "A painting a masterpiece".

Art gallery - "Cortina", Cortina d'Ampezzo. "Tano Festa", from 10 to 31 March.

Galleria Margutta, Rome - Tano Festa "Tribute to Gianlorenzo Bernini".

1987 Galleria Cinquetti, Verona - Tano Festa "Works from the years 1961-1964".

Valle d’Aosta Autonomous Region, Tour Fromage, Aosta - “Barocco Romano” text by F.Gallo.

Studio Soligo, Rome. "La Virginiana", La Gregoriana Gallery, Rome "Tribute to Catalonia". (Catalog Ed. Soligo - Gregoriana, November 1987).

Galleria Graphis Arte, Livorno - "The ghost vessel".

Studio Ghiglione, Genoa - "Tano Festa" text by A. Bonito Oliva.

Galleria La Bussola, Turin - "Tano Festa".

1988 Municipality of Rome, Former Peroni Plant - "Tano Festa" curated by Achille Bonito Oliva.

Belvedere cultural center, Salone Acquaviva, S. Leucio, Caserta. "Tano Festa - selected works" by F. Gallo.

Calestani Arte Contemporanea, Milan - "Giallo Taxi" a trip with Tano Festa.

Severiarte, Bologna - "Tano Festa".

Italian Art, Busto Arsizio - "Tano Festa" works from 1968 to 1987.

Galleria Prati, Palermo - "Tano Festa".

Galleria Mosaico, Messina, "Tano Festa".

Galleria Bianca Pilat, Milan "Tano Festa" Retrospective.

Meeting Art, Vercelli - "Tano Festa" exhibition in the salons of the venue of Meeting Art and television filming, presentations by Everardo Dalla Noce and Mimmo Rotella presentation and interviews by Angiolino Calestani.

Galleria il Mercante, Milan - Tribute to Tano Festa "The ghost vessel".

Galleria Sorrenti, Novara - "Tano Festa".

Art Gallery Il Prisma, Turin - "Tano Festa".

Galleria Bezuga, Florence.

"Tano Festa", Gallery "Dialoghi", Biella, May 1988, text by Luigi Spina.

1989 Studio D'Arte Barnabò, Venice. "Tano Festa - Objects of domestic furniture" Opening Friday 1 September 1989 from 18.30.

1990 Art Space Gallery, Perugia - "Tano Festa".

1991 Artandom - Kyoto Shoin, Japan - "Tano Festa" curated by G. Franchetti.

Art Gallery at the Carmine, Padua. "Tano Festa - Squares and Monuments" from November 2nd 1991 to December 8th.

1991-92 Mondo Arte Cultural Association, Rome - "Ricordo di Tano Festa" works 1970-80.

Studio Soligo, Rome - "De Pictura".

1992 "Le Molinette" Golf Club, Cernusco sul Naviglio - "Tano Festa".

Studio 5, Bologna, Tano Festa "From Michelangelo".

Galleria L’indiano, Florence - "Tano Festa for a new iconography" (pres. R. Bellini).

1992-93 La Polena Gallery, Genoa - "Tano Festa".

1993 Galleria Granelli, Livorno - "Tano Festa" text F. Boni.

1994 LodiArte, Salsomaggiore Terme - "Tano Festa" Conversation with Michelangelo.

1995 Contemporary cultural association "Ciocca Raffaelli", Milan, "Tano Festa", 2 February - 4 April.

Caterina Fossati, Turin - "Tano Festa" - text by G. Franchetti.

Studio d'Arte Viola, Galliate - "Tano Festa" text by G. Franchetti.

1996-97 Hausmann Art Gallery, Cortina - "Tano Festa" works from the seventies.

Studio Soligo, Rome - "Tano Festa" designs from 1960 to 1987.

1997 "Tano Festa - Historic Works", Galleria Granelli, Livorno. By R.Ferrucci, 30 - 11 - 97/7 - 1 - 98.

1999 “Festa per Tano - Tano Painter's party: from the Eighties to the beginning”, Palazzo Rospigliosi, Zagarolo. By R: Gramiccia and R. Lambarelli 16/31 October 1999.

2002 "Tano Festa" Mirages by Emilio Prini and Luigi Ontani, Belgian Academy, Sculpture Workshop, Rome. Organized by Zerynthia, 8 February / 2 March 2002.

2003 "Tano Festa - Reperti", Unpublished Works 1960 - 1966, Erica Fiorentini Gallery, Rome. May 2003 by E. Fiorentini.

2004 "Tano Festa" Hausammann Gallery, Cortina d'Ampezzo, July 2004.

"Tano Festa, works on paper 1962 - 1963", 2 - 12 - 2004/15 - 1 - 2005, with the collaboration of the Archivio Tano Festa curated by Anita Festa.

"Zonca § Zonca - Modern and Contemporary Art", Milan.

"Tano Festa - From Mondrian to Michelangelo - works from 1963 to 1978", Cinecittàdue contemporary art, 20 - 11 - 2004/29 - 1 2005. Curated by Daniela Lancioni, with the participation of the Tano Festa Archive curated by Anita Festa .

2011 “Tano Festa, Francesco Lo Savio - The lack of the other” ZKM Museum fur Neue Kunst, Karlsrhue, Germany. 7 May / 7 August 2011. Edited by F. P. Grunert.


Group Exhibitions

1958 Cinecittà Award, Rome.

1959 La Salita Gallery, Rome - "Franco Angeli - Tano Festa - Giuseppe Uncini".

Galleria L’appunto, Rome.

1960 Galleria La Salita, Rome - "5 painters - Rome 60": Angels - Feast - Lo Savio - Schifano - Uncini, text by P. Restany.

Galleria L’Appunto, Rome - “Young Painters”.

Galleria Il Cancello, "Angels - Feast - Lo Savio - Schifano - Uncini", April 23rd, Bologna. Presentation of Emilio Villa.

Moolohy Nagy Institute, Chicago - "Italian Art".

1960/61 Termoli Award.

1961 Galleria La Salita, Rome - "Festa - Lo Savio - Rotella" exhibition in rotation, paintings, metals, decollages.

XII International Lissone Award, Lissone.

Galleria Il Punto, Turin - "The orientation of young people" text C. Brandi.

1962 Apollinaire Award 1962, Ca ’Giustinian, Venice. Honorary Presidents: Pablo Picasso and Giuseppe Ungaretti.

Festival Dei Due Mondi, Spoleto.

"Drive-in Gallery".

La Salita Gallery, Rome - "Useful Object".

Award from the Ministry of Education.

Palace of King Enzo, Bologna - "New perspectives of Italian painting" presentation by F. Arcangeli.

Sidney Janis Gallery, New York - "The new realist" - J. Ashbery, P. Restany, S. Janis.

Galleria La Tartaruga, Rome - "The matter in Rome".

Termoli Award - presentation by N. Ponente.

Gallery The turtle, Rome.

1963 La Salita Gallery, Rome - "La Litografia" by G.C. Argan, ed. The Ascent Vol. YOU.

Palazzo Strozzi, Florence - "1st Exhibition Market".

Madrid, Barcelona, ​​Bilbao - "Exhibition of young Italian painters", 10 - 29 December, Management

General of Fine Arts, Italian Institute of Culture Madrid.

IV Biennale of S. Marino, Palazzo del Kursaal - "Beyond the informal".

Galleria la Tartaruga, Rome - "13 painters in Rome".

IV Exhibition of Visual Arts in Rome and Lazio, Rome, Palazzo delle Esposizioni.

News Gallery, Turin.

XIV National Exhibition of the Fiorino Award, Florence, Palazzo Strozzi.

1963-64 Paris Salon de Comparaison.

1964 La Salita Gallery, Rome - "Collages - spoken".

Palermo: Accardi, Christ, Glue, Colverston, Feast.

Palazzo Strozzi, Florence - "II Market Exhibition".

Venice - XXXII Biennale.

La Tartaruga Gallery, Rome.

Macerata, III Scipione Award.

Odyssia Gallery - Rome. "Drawings" 18 December '64. Feast - Maselli - Angels

Bignardi - Fioroni - Schifano - del Pezzo - Baruchello - Mauri - Adami - Castellani.

1965 Galleria Guida, Naples - "Works of the Galleria La Salita".

Torre Asturia, Nettuno - "Corradino di Svevia - subject exhibition" repeated in September at the Municipality of Nettuno, and in November at the Salita gallery, Rome.

Cannes "Current art in Italy" text by P. Restany.

Galleria Odissya, Rome - "A generation".

Galleria Levi, Milan "Operation Goldfinger", from 9 to 30 March, text by U. Eco.

V Review of the Figurative Arts of Rome and Lazio, Palazzo delle Esposizioni, Rome.

1965-66 IX Quadriennale, Rome.

1966 Galleria La Salita - Rome.

University Union British Arts Council, Leed - "Form and Image".

Civic Pavilion of Contemporary Art, Milan - "Fifty years of Dada. Dada in Italy 1916-1966 "by Arturo Schwarz.

National Gallery of Modern Art, Rome - "Aspects of Contemporary Art in Italy" then traveling to Dortmund, Cologne, Bergen, Oslo, Belfast.

Galleria La Tartaruga, Rome - "Reality of the image".

1967 La Salita Gallery, Rome - "X Anniversary".

Musée Municipal de l'Haye, Holland "Art contemporain de l'Italie".

Palazzo Anciani, Spoleto - Exhibition of modern Italian drawings, text by G. Carandente.

V Paris Biennale.

Galleria De Foscherari, Bologna - "8 Roman painters".

Foligno, "The space of the image".

National Museum of Modern Art - "Exhibition of Contemporary Italian Art", Tokyo (later Kyoto).

1968 Salon de Mai, Paris.

Galleria News, Turin - Tano Festa presents the super 8 in color (28 minutes) showing the operation of Paolini and Castellani.

La Bertesca Gallery VI Roman Biennale.

1970 Galleria della Tartaruga, Rome.

XIX Painting Prize F. P. Michetti, Francavilla al mare.

1970-71 Palazzo delle Esposizioni, Rome - "Vitality of the Negative in Italian art 1960/70" by A. Bonito Oliva.

1971 La Salita Gallery, Rome.

1972-73 X National Art Quadrennial, Rome.

1973 Parking of Villa Borghese, "Contemporary Rome" by A. Bonito Oliva.

Civic Gallery of Modern Art, Turin "Combat for an image".

1975 Inco-Art 75 - Rome.

Galleria L’Attico, Rome - "24 hours a day" from Saturday 25 to Friday 31 January - "Tano Festa - L 'ostaggio".

Galleria La Tartaruga, Rome - "9 paintings and a sculpture".

1976 Cannaviello Art Studio, Rome - "Drawing in Italy".

1977 La Salita Gallery, Rome - "1957-1977".

Galleria Civica, Turin - "Art in Italy, 1960-1977" text A. Del Guercio.

Acireale - X Rassegna - "Between painting and photography" - edited by M. Penelope.

1978 Pavilion B78, La Biennale di Venezia.

S.Vincent Town Hall, “Angeli, Festa, Bulga

1980 XL Biennale, Venice.

Palazzo delle Esposizioni, Rome - "Italian Art from 1960 to 1980".

Gallery The climb, Rome - "First works".

Palazzo Collicola, Spoleto "Pop Art in Italy" (1960-1980) Twenty years of signals.

1981 Villa Manzoni - Lecco - "30 years of Italian art. 1950-1980 ".

Palazzo delle Esposizioni - Rome - "Lines of artistic research in Italy 1960-1980" by M. Penelope.

Civic Gallery of Contemporary Art, Termoli.

"Dissemination: the 1960s" presentation by C. Benincasa.

Senigallia (AN), "Pop Art and object research in Rome in the sixties" by E. Maurizi.

Palazzo della Gran Guardia, Verona - Campaign 60’68 “Italian alternatives to Pop Art and Nouveau Realisme”.

1982 La Salita Gallery, Rome - "Lapsus" text by Simonetta Lux.

Expo Arte Bari.

1983 Galleria La Salita, Rome - "A drawing of art: Latest avant-gardes 1957-1971".

Cultural Center Palazzo Grassi, Church of S. Samuele, Venice, "Contemporary Italian Artists" 1950-1983 edited by A. Bonito Oliva.

Castello Visconteo, Pavia - "Pop Art and Italy" by R. Bossaglia and S. Zatti.

1984 XLI Biennale, Venice.

Perugia, "Crossings", texts by M. Calvesi, M. Vescovo.

1985 La Salita Gallery, Rome - "Inside and outside the informal 1957-1965".

Volpaia Castle, Radda in Chianti - "Festival of Art", text G. Briganti.

Galleria Soligo, Rome - "Five artists - Five Mosaics".

1986 Rome - XI Quadrennial.

Loggetta Lombardesca, Ravenna - "Arte Santa" text by A. Bonito Oliva.

Colonna Castle, Genazzano - “Italian Dream. The Franchetti collection in Rome "by A. Bonito Oliva.

Galleria Sorrenti, Novara, "Franco Angeli and Tano Festa".

Art Gallery Barnabò, Venice - "Contemporary Italian artists" text T. Trini.

Kepler initiative, Palazzo Sagreto, Venice - "Painters in Italy in the civilization of energy and electronics", texts M. Volpi, S. Rodotà, M. Calvesi.

1987 Galleria Sprovieri, Rome - "Il Tridente 2".

Castello di Volpaia - Radda in Chianti - "The color of miracles" (text A. Bonito Oliva).

Nicola Verlato, Bologna - "Angels, Feast, Schifano" works from 1957 to 1987.

1988 Pavilion of Contemporary Art, Palazzo Massari, Ferrara - "Crinali" text A. Bonito Oliva.

Florence Project for Modern Art, Fortezza da Basso, Florence "Attualissima".

Palazzo Forti, Verona "Abstract" Abstract Secessions in Italy from the postwar period to 1990 ".

1988-1989 Imola - Around sixty "Aspects of Italian art after the informal".

1989 Galleria Fontanella Borghese, Rome - "Trilogy" Paths 60s.

Netta Vespignani Gallery, Rome "The original years" by Plinio De Martiis.

"The three in Piazza del Popolo: Angels - Festa - Schifano", November, Galleria La Chiocciola, Padua.

Institute of Design, Rome - Projetc Aparteid 1988-89 Reclamation s.p.a. (Italstat) Ed. Image Service.

Rio de Janeiro, Museu del Belas Artes and Funarte - Sau Paulo, Museu del Arte de Sau Paulo - "Aspectos da pintura Italiana do apos-guerra aos nossos dias" curated by A. Bonito Oliva and T. Trini.

1989/90 Palazzo Civiltà del Lavoro, Rome, "Artoon the influence of comics in the visual arts of the 20th century" by A. Bonito Oliva.

Fiumara d’Arte, Reitano - Villa Margi (MS) - sculpture of mt. 20 x 20: "Monument for a dead poet" (realized posthumously on the initiative of the builder, Antonio Presti).

1990 Villa Malpensata, Lugano - "Italian Drawing of the Twentieth Century" - texts by F. Gallo.

Exhibition Hall, Municipality of Fiuggi - "Triarte" Angels - Festival - Schifano - text by A. Bonito Oliva.

Galleria Netta Vespignani, Rome "Millenovecentosessanta" by P. De Martiis.

Pinacoteca di Macerata, Macerata - "Rome and painting" texts by C. Benincasa, A. Masi.

Art Basel 13, Basel.

1990/91 Four-year National Art Exhibition, Palazzo delle Esposizioni, Rome.

Rome 60s "beyond painting" by M. Calvesi, Siligato.

1991 Gallery of Modern Art, Paternò - "Angels, Festa Schifano" Destini Incrociati, edited by F.Gallo.

Art Gallery 90, Isernia.

Arteroma 91, Palazzo dei Congressi, EUR, Rome - "60-90 thirty years of Roman avant-gardes".

Galleria Pio Monti, Rome - "Scipione, Festa, Lisanti" texts by A. Vettese, and, G. Franchetti.

Galleria Il Canovaccio, Rome "Contemporary Artists for a Blue Collection".

1991-92 Galleria Fontanella Borghese, Rome - "Simbolica" edited by L. Meneghello.

Galleria Cinquetti, Verona - "Simbolica".

1992 Aragonese Castle, Ischia - "Don Quixote of La Mancha".

Racecourse of Capannelle, Club House, Rome - "A Cavallo dell'Arte" curated by G. F. Proietti.

Milan, Banca Commerciale Italiana - "The new figure - Italian artists" from the collection of Banca Commerciale Italiana.

Calestani Arte Contemporanea, Milan - "64 collector's works" Exhibition at home (February).

Calestani Arte Contemporanea, Milan - "64 collector's works" Exhibition at home (May).

1992-1993 Vente Museum, Tokyo - "Italy in the years of Pop Art ita

1993 XLV Venice Biennale, Ca ’Pesaro,“ Fratelli ”Francesco Lo Savio - Tano Festa. Texts M. Fagiolo of the Arc, F. Alfano Miglietti.

Palazzo delle Esposizioni, Rome - "All roads lead to Rome?" (Edited by A. Bonito Oliva).

Florence Project for Modern Art, "Attualissima".

1993-94 Murray And Isabella Rayburn Foundation, New York - "Rome - New York 1948-1964" by G.Celant.

1994 Netta Vespignani Gallery, Rome - "Portrait" by S. Farci.

National Gallery of Modern Art, Rome - "Giorgio De Chirico in the collections of G.N.A.M." Rome. Metaphysics and neo-avant-garde.

Oca Gallery, Rome - "Choices".

Florence Project for Modern Art, "Attualissima" Milan - "The Art Collection of Marta Marzotto" by R. Bossaglia.

1994/95 Guggenheim Museum, New York - "The Italian Metamorphosis, 1943 - 1968" edited by G. Celant.

XII Biennale city of Penne, edited by E. Crispolti.

1995 RipArte '95, Rome - International Exhibition of Contemporary Art.

Triennale, Milan Kunstmuseum, Wolfsburg.

Teatro G. Verdi ", Castel San Giovanni (PC)" The egg and the chicken ".

1996 Biennale Di Firenze, Florence Sala Bianca and Sale del Fiorino - "Time and fashion" Emilio Pucci - "Parallel Itineraries - text by G. Uzzani.

Banca di Corte, Castelbuono - "Pop Art in Italy" Seventies trends.

Cortina d'Ampezzo - "Pop Art and Object" Italian artists of the sixties. Organized by R. Barilli.

1988 "Lost generations", Galleria Trifalco, Rome, March 1988, curated by Federica Di Castro.

1990 "Angeli Festa Schifano - Crossed Destinies". Paternò Modern Art Gallery, 8 - 12 - 90/31 - 1 - 91, edited by F. Gallo.

1998 "For the happy climate of the sixties", Archive of the Roman School of Netta Vespignani, Rome. Edited by Plinio De Martiis, November / December 1998.

1999 “I Love Pop. Europe - 1960s USA. Mythologies of the newspaper ", Chiostro del Bramante, Rome, edited by W. Becker, M. Boyden, L. Hegyl, G. Mercurio.

"POP Art in Italy" - Painting and Graphics in the Sixties, Art Gallery Niccoli, Parma. 18 - 12 - 99/6 - 3 - 2000 by Plinio De Martiis.

2002 "Tribute to Gian Tomaso Liverani - Faenza gentleman and avant-garde collector" Municipal Gallery of Art in Faenza, 28 - 9 - 2002/7 - 1 - 2003, edited by D. Lancioni.

2003 "Cross-Roads" Incroci - Contemporary art from the Tonelli collection, Castello Colonna di Genazzano. Edited by A. Boatto, G. Mercurio, March 2003.

"The great turning point in the 1960s. Journey in the Sixties in Italy ”, Palazzo della Ragione, Padua. Edited by V. Baradel, E.L. Chiggio, R. Masiero.

"Meetings - from the Collection of Graziella Lonardi Buontempo". Academy of Villa Medici, Rome. 26 September / 2 November 2003.

2005 "Pop Art Italy - 1958 1968", Galleria Civica, Modena, curated by Walter Guadagnini.

2006 “La Tartaruga. Private. Plinio De Martiis "Gallery" The Sign ", Rome, March 2006. Edited by A. Savinio, F. Antonini, G. C. de Feo.

"Schifano Angeli Festa 1960 - 1980", Municipal Gallery of Cesena, curated by S. Arfelli, 8 - 7/10 - 9 - 2006.

"2 December 1963. A new gallery is born. Works and testimonies ”, Galleria Mara Coccia, Rome. 14 - 12 - 2006/24 - 2 - 2007.

2007 "Pop Art 1956 - 1968" Scuderie del Quirinale, Rome. 26 - 10 - 2007/27 - 1 - 2008. Curated by Walter Guadagnini.

2010 "Roma '60" curated by Luca Beatrice, 19 March / 4 July 2010, in the Palazzo del Monferrato, Alessandria: "Maledetti Angeli Festa e Schifano".

2011 “Ileana Sonnabend - An Italian portrait” Peggy Guggenheim Collection, Venice 29 May / 2 October 2011, organizers A. Homem and P. Rylands, (on the Catalog of the text exhibition by Achille Bonito Oliva).

2013 from Giorgio Franchetti to Giorgio Franchetti ”Collectibles at Ca’ d’Oro, Venice. On the occasion of the 55th International Art Exhibition, 30 May / 24 November 2013, curated by C. Cremonini and F. Fergonzi.

"In Principio", First Holy See Pavilion at the 55th International Art Exhibition of the 2013 Venice Biennale (Catalog edited by Micol Forti and Pasquale Iacobone, FMR Edizioni).

"The 70s - Art in Rome", Palazzo delle Esposizioni, 17 December 2013/2 March 2014, curated by Daniela Lancioni.

2014 “Once upon a time in Rome. The sixties around Piazza del Popolo ”, Fondazione Malvina Menegaz, Castelbasso.

"Italian Artists of the Turtle" On the tenth anniversary of the death of Plinio De Martiis, Marchetti Art Gallery, Rome. 2 October / 22 November 2014.

2016 "Until the last breath - A stellar generation", Palazzo Platamone, Catania. 23 - 1/2 - 3 - 2016, edited by G. Marziani and G. Stagnitta.

"Imagine" - new images in Italian art 1960 - 1969, curated by Luca Massimo Barbero, 23 April / 19 September 2016, Peggy Guggenheim Collection, Venice. (Ed. Marsilio Venice).

"Roma Pop City" 60 - 67, MACRO - Museum of Contemporary Art, Rome. 13 July / 27 November 2016, edited by C. Crescentini, C. D’Orazio, F. Pirani (Cat. Edited by C. Crescentini and F. Pirani, Manfredi Edizioni).

"Italia Pop - Art in the boom years", Magnani Rocca Foundation, Parma. 10 September / 11 December 2016. Edited by W. Guadagnini and S. Roffi. (Cat. Silvana Editoriale).

"VERSUS" The artist's challenge to his model in a century of photography and design, Galleria Civica di Modena, Palazzo Santa Margherita, 16 w. 2016/8 January 2017 Curated by A. Bruciati, D. De Luigi and S. Goldoni. (Silvana Editoriale catalog).

1958 "Cinecittà Award" painting exhibition, leaflet.
1960 Catalog, Gallery. Il Cancello Bologna.
E. Villa, on “Art d’Aujourd’hui” n. 28.
1961 C. Brandi, "Youth orientation", catalog, Il Punto, Turin.
D. Menna, "Tano Festa", Telesera, 10 December.
C.Vivaldi, "Tano Festa", catalog, La Salita, Rome.
C.Vivaldi, "The legacy of the informal", in "Il Verri", n.3, June.
M. Volpi, "Tano Festa, in" Avanti ", 7 May.
M. Volpi, "The inquiry into painting in Rome", in "Avanti", 29 December.
L. Hochtin, on "L’oeil", January.
"Information Europe", news agency, 6 May.
Vice (Toni Bonavita) on "Il Tempo" 7 May.
1962 F.Arcangeli, "New perspectives of Italian painting", catalog, AA VV, Ed. Alfa, Bologna.
J. Ashbery, P. Restany, S. Janis, catalog "New Realist", Sidney Janis Gallery - New York.
1963 C.Vivaldi, "The young school of Rome", in "Il Verri", n.12.
G.De Marchis, "Tano Festa", catalog, La Tartaruga, Rome.
"13 painters in Rome", catalog, presentation of Porta "Poesia per Festa", writings by U. Eco, G. Dorfles, C.Vivaldi, Galleria La Tartaruga, Rome.
XIV National Exhibition of Fiorino Prize, G. Politi Catalog, in "La fiera literaria" and in "Crisis and Literature".
G. Kaisserlian, in "Il Telegrafo", Livorno, 13 June.
L.Trucchi, in "Le Arti" June.
G. K, in "Il Popolo" 20 June.
C.Vivaldi, "Tano Festa", catalog, Gall.Schwarz.
1964 G.Ballo, "The line of Italian art", Ed. Mediterranee, Rome.
M. Calvesi, "Groups of paintings and sculptures", catalog, XXXII Biennale, Venice.
Bolaffi Modern Art Catalog.
1965 D. Morosini, "The Personal Tano Festa and Franco Sarnari", in "Paese Sera", November 15th.
1966 M. Fagiolo, "The planetarium of Tano Festa", catalog, Galleria Schwarz, Milan.
"Aspects of contemporary Italian art", catalog, Istituto Tiberino, Rome.
M.Fagiolo of the Arch, "Report of the 1960s - the arts in Italy today" "Festa film career, Bulzoni Ed.
Rome Bolaffi Modern Art Catalog.
LR Lippard - L. Alloway - N. Marmer - N. Calas, "Pop Art", Thames and Hudson, London.
1967 G. Carandente, "Exhibition of modern Italian drawings", catalog, Ed. De Luca, Rome.
"Modern art" (Vol. XXXVIII) F.lli Fabbri Ed., Milan.
LR Lippard - L. Alloway - N. Marmer - N. Calas, "Pop Art", Gabriele Mazzotta.
1968 F. Colombo, "Per Festa", catalog, Arco d 'Alibert, Rome.
Bolaffi Modern Art Catalog.
VI Roman Biennale, cat. De Luca Ed.
1969 U. Kultermann - "New forms of painting", Feltrinelli Ed.
1970 P. Balmas, "Art in Rome", in "Exhibitions and Museums", year I, n.5 (December - January).
XIV F.P.Michetti Painting Award, catalog.
Encyclopedia of the Twentieth Century, under the heading "Pop Art" (F. Menna) Institute of the Italian Encyclopedia founded by G. Treccani, Rome.
1971 A. Bonito Oliva, “Vitality of the negative in Italian art. 1960-70 ", catalog, Ed. Centro Di, Florence.
A. M. Comanducci, "Illustrated dictionary of modern and contemporary Italian painters and engravers", (vol. II), L. Patuzzi Ed., Milan.
I. Tomassoni, "Art after 1945: Italy", Cappelli Ed., Bologna.
1972 T. Trini, "Tano Festa", catalog, Galleria Levi, Milan.
1972/73 X National Art Quadrennial, "The aesthetic research from 1960 to 1970" (vol III) catalog, (coord. F.Menna, M.Quattrociocchi) Ed. De Luca, Rome.
1973 Bolaffi Encyclopedic Dictionary of Italian Painters and Engravers (vol. IV), G. Bolaffi Ed., Turin.
A. Bonito Oliva, Contemporary, catalog, Ed. Centro Di, Florence.
Gianni Rondolino, First World Catalog of Painters' Movies, Bolaffi Ed.
1975 M. Calvesi, "Tano Festa", catalog, Gall. Coccorocchia, Milan.
1976 G. Dorfles, "Latest trends in art today", Feltrinelli Ed., Milan.
National Catalog of Modern Art n.11, vol III Bolaffi (reported by M. Calvesi).
1977 A.Del Guercio, "Art in Italy.1969-1977", catalog, Turin.
M. Penelope, "Between painting and photography", catalog, Acireale.
L.Spagnoli, interview with Tano Festa, "Il Messaggero", June.
1978 Phaidon Dictionary of 20 Century Artist, New York, Dutton.
"From nature to art - from art to nature", Venice Biennale catalog, Ed. Electa Group.
"Angels, Feast, Bulgarelli" catalog, Palazzo Comunale S. Vincent.
1979 Dictionary of 20th Century Italian Artists (vol I), G.Bolaffi Ed., Turin.
1980 AA.VV., "Italian art from 1960 to 1980", catalog, Ed. De Luca, Rome.
1981 I. Mussa, "Miraggi" catalog, Galleria Soligo, Rome.
C. Benincasa, "Dissemination: the 60s", catalog, D. Ed Manunzio central printing.
"Lines of artistic research in Italy 1960-1980" catalog, Ed DeLuca.
1981-82 Barbara Tosi, "Miraggi", in Flash Art "n 106, December - January.
E. Maurizi, "Pop Art and object research in Rome in the sixties", catalog.
"Italian alternative to Pop Art and Nouveau Realisme", catalog.
1982 G.De Marchis, "Art in Italy after the Second World War", History of Italian art (vol VII), Einaudi Ed., Turin.
1983 D.Bellezza, (For Tano Festa) “La via lattea”, catalog, Galleria Soligo, Rome.
A. Bonito Oliva, “Contemporary artists from the 5 years
1958 "Cinecittà Award" painting exhibition, leaflet.
1960 Catalog, Gallery. Il Cancello Bologna.
E. Villa, on “Art d’Aujourd’hui” n. 28.
1961 C. Brandi, "Youth orientation", catalog, Il Punto, Turin.
D. Menna, "Tano Festa", Telesera, 10 December.
C.Vivaldi, "Tano Festa", catalog, La Salita, Rome.
C.Vivaldi, "The legacy of the informal", in "Il Verri", n.3, June.
M. Volpi, "Tano Festa, in" Avanti ", 7 May.
M. Volpi, "The inquiry into painting in Rome", in "Avanti", 29 December.
L. Hochtin, on "L’oeil", January.
"Information Europe", news agency, 6 May.
Vice (Toni Bonavita) on "Il Tempo" 7 May.
1962 F.Arcangeli, "New perspectives of Italian painting", catalog, AA VV, Ed. Alfa, Bologna.
J. Ashbery, P. Restany, S. Janis, catalog "New Realist", Sidney Janis Gallery - New York.
1963 C.Vivaldi, "The young school of Rome", in "Il Verri", n.12.
G.De Marchis, "Tano Festa", catalog, La Tartaruga, Rome.
"13 painters in Rome", catalog, presentation of Porta "Poesia per Festa", writings by U. Eco, G. Dorfles, C.Vivaldi, Galleria La Tartaruga, Rome.
XIV National Exhibition of Fiorino Prize, G. Politi Catalog, in "La fiera literaria" and in "Crisis and Literature".
G. Kaisserlian, in "Il Telegrafo", Livorno, 13 June.
L.Trucchi, in "Le Arti" June.
G. K, in "Il Popolo" 20 June.
C.Vivaldi, "Tano Festa", catalog, Gall.Schwarz.
1964 G.Ballo, "The line of Italian art", Ed. Mediterranee, Rome.
M. Calvesi, "Groups of paintings and sculptures", catalog, XXXII Biennale, Venice.
Bolaffi Modern Art Catalog.
1965 D. Morosini, "The Personal Tano Festa and Franco Sarnari", in "Paese Sera", November 15th.
1966 M. Fagiolo, "The planetarium of Tano Festa", catalog, Galleria Schwarz, Milan.
"Aspects of contemporary Italian art", catalog, Istituto Tiberino, Rome.
M.Fagiolo of the Arch, "Report of the 1960s - the arts in Italy today" "Festa film career, Bulzoni Ed.
Rome Bolaffi Modern Art Catalog.
LR Lippard - L. Alloway - N. Marmer - N. Calas, "Pop Art", Thames and Hudson, London.
1967 G. Carandente, "Exhibition of modern Italian drawings", catalog, Ed. De Luca, Rome.
"Modern art" (Vol. XXXVIII) F.lli Fabbri Ed., Milan.
LR Lippard - L. Alloway - N. Marmer - N. Calas, "Pop Art", Gabriele Mazzotta.
1968 F. Colombo, "Per Festa", catalog, Arco d 'Alibert, Rome.
Bolaffi Modern Art Catalog.
VI Roman Biennale, cat. De Luca Ed.
1969 U. Kultermann - "New forms of painting", Feltrinelli Ed.
1970 P. Balmas, "Art in Rome", in "Exhibitions and Museums", year I, n.5 (December - January).
XIV F.P.Michetti Painting Award, catalog.
Encyclopedia of the Twentieth Century, under the heading "Pop Art" (F. Menna) Institute of the Italian Encyclopedia founded by G. Treccani, Rome.
1971 A. Bonito Oliva, “Vitality of the negative in Italian art. 1960-70 ", catalog, Ed. Centro Di, Florence.
A. M. Comanducci, "Illustrated dictionary of modern and contemporary Italian painters and engravers", (vol. II), L. Patuzzi Ed., Milan.
I. Tomassoni, "Art after 1945: Italy", Cappelli Ed., Bologna.
1972 T. Trini, "Tano Festa", catalog, Galleria Levi, Milan.
1972/73 X National Art Quadrennial, "The aesthetic research from 1960 to 1970" (vol III) catalog, (coord. F. Menna, M.QuattrocA. Monferini, "Tano Festa. The castle", in "Espresso" , 17-23 March.
C.Verna, "Irony and commitment in a choice of seven artists", in "Art", March.
Catalog of Modern Italian Art n.22, G. Mondadori and ass. Ed.
M. Volpi, S. Rodotà, M. Calvesi, "Painters in Italy in the civilization of energy and electronics" Fabbri Ed.
A. Bonito Oliva, C.Cerritelli, "Arte Santa", catalog, Ed.Essegi, Ravenna.
A. Bonito Oliva, "Italian Dream" The Franchetti collection in Rome, catalog, Nuova Prearo Ed.
1987 N. Sonetti, “Tano Festa. Woman, love and the dream "in Play Man", April.
A.Romani Brizzi, “The school of Piazza del Popolo. A "historical moment" in the history of Italian art ", in" Notiziarte ", Rome, April.
R. Scuteri, "Tano Festa", in "Flash Art", No.139, May - June.
A. C. Quintavalle, "Metaphysics Angosce", in "Panorama", 20 September.
A. Vettese, "Between classics and Pop the choice works", in "Sole 24 ore" 20 September.
M. Griffi, "Chianti and brush", in "Il Giornale", September.
"Even Munch can finish in Festa", in Il Tirreno ", September.
R. Barilli, "It is a Feast anyway", in "L’Espresso", 11 October.
C. Castellari, "The guide of Anna", in "Annabella", October.
A. Bonito Oliva, "Il Colore dei Miracoli", catalog, Castello di Volpaia, Fattoria Ed. Radda in Chianti.
F. Gallo, exhibition catalog Tour Fromage, Fabbri Ed.
A. Amendola, interview with Tano Festa, Playman, April.
A. Bonito Oliva, "Tano Festa", Studio Ghiglione catalog.
"La Virginiana" "Tribute to Catalonia", catalog, Studio Soligo - Galleria la Gregoriana, Rome.
1988 A. Bonito Oliva, A Matisse of the 1960s ", in" Corriere della Sera ", 10 January.
C. Costantini, "The hard color of existence", in "Il Messaggero", 10 January.
F. D'Amico, "He died Tano Festa", in "Repubblica", 10 January.
F. Simongi