Home Artists Yuan-Hua Jia


Yuan-Hua Jia

Beijing, China

45 Works exhibited on Kooness

Current location

Beijing, China

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Works by Yuan-Hua Jia

Unknown World No.7


Paintings , Oil

50 x 40 x 4cm

2900,00 €

Little World No.9


Paintings , Oil

50 x 40 x 4cm

2600,00 €



Paintings , Oil

79 x 109 x 4cm

1100,00 €

Time Travel


Paintings , Acrylic

79 x 108 x 4cm

3200,00 €

Sightseeing No.10


Paintings , Acrylic

50 x 40 x 4cm

3600,00 €

On the Cloud


Paintings , Acrylic

24 x 30 x 4cm

1900,00 €

Chaos and Order No.6


100 x 80 x 3cm

10000,00 €

Chaos and Order No.5


, Acrylic

70 x 70 x 4cm

4600,00 €

Chaos And Order No. 5


Paintings , Acrylic

70 x 70 x 4cm

4700,00 €

Chaos And Order No. 4


Paintings , Acrylic

60 x 80 x 3cm

3200,00 €

Jia Yuan-Hua is a Chinese artist born in 1980 who lives and works in Beijing, China. Jia’s paintings are mainly based on oil and acrylic on canvases. His contemporary artworks focus on social issues such as the protection of historical buildings, the inheritance of traditional culture, the conflict between tradition and contemporary times, education reform and the sustainable development of the natural ecological environment. There are two main forms of expression in his works. One is a common realistic technique for paintings. The other form is to use an oil painting knife carving the surface of the oil on canvas with using also lines to express the outline of objects, either existed or vanished.