Home Artists Wolfgang Alexander Kossuth


Wolfgang Alexander Kossuth

1947 - 2009
Pfronten, Germany

1 Works exhibited on Kooness

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Works by Wolfgang Alexander Kossuth

Anna with self-portrait


Paintings , Drawings

99.5 x 81cm

3500,00 €

Wolfgang Alexander Kossuth was born in Pfronten in 1947. He is a painter, a scultor, a violinist and an orchestra leader and he dedicated all hos life to art, join the passion for the music with the figurative arts one. His artworks portray important people of the musical, literaly and ballet background. He prefers sculptur because with it he expresses himself better. The human being is always the centre of the composition.

Anatomic studies and movement; the classical beauty joins unlikely balances. The result is a perfect human figure which goes beyond reality. A personal vision of the artist who supports and rejects at the same time the naturalism. Armony and theatricality load up of pathos his sculptures; power and twistings, dancers' bodies against the gravity, an explosion of energy and dynamism. He shapes marble, bronze, resin and gypsum.

He paints on canvas the same subjects: oil and pastel nudes, soft outlines, masterful chiaroscuro. Sensual bodies move all over the space, hanging in the balance between muscle and emotional power. From 1970 to 1974 he was a violinist in the orchestra of Teatro alla Scala in Milan and in 1975 he was the orchestra leader. After four years he leaves music for sculpture, attending courses at Brera Academy. Since 1981 his artworks were exhibited abroad and in Italy (Scala Museum and many other liryc theatres like Carlo Felice in Genoa). He prematurely died on 30th December 2009.