Home Artists Werner Berges


Werner Berges

1941 - 2017
Berlin, Germany

2 Works exhibited on Kooness

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Works by Werner Berges



Prints , Screen Print

70 x 50cm




Prints , Screen Print

26 x 20cm


Werner Berges studied art in the 1960’s in then West Berlin, the city where his career began and where he also became a member of the now legendary, but short-lived, group “Großgörschen”. He belonged to a generation of artists that moved away from abstract art that had been predominate after WWII. Berges was particularly interested in using imagery from “popular media”, such as fashion magazines – his favorite subject being women. Using bold colors, stripes and dots he developed his own style of portraying women. Although he described himself in the sixties as a realist, his style was soon recognized as Pop Art.

In the tradition of the 1960’s and ‘70’s, a time when printed editions were seen as a way to democratize art and make it available to everyone, Berges was also very interested in printing and produced over the span of his six decade-long career a great number of prints. Having worked with the artist during the last fifteen years of this life, DavisKlemmGallery published a catalog raisonné of his prints, spanning the years from 1961 to 2021 and including prints that were released posthumous. The catalog as well as a selection of prints will be presented at Paper Positions Berlin.