Home Artists Vincent Giarrano


Vincent Giarrano

Buffalo, New York, United States

1 Works exhibited on Kooness

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Works by Vincent Giarrano

Jade in Brooklyn



28 x 35.5cm


Vincent Giarrano is an American painter and comic book illustrator. His paintings are marked by photographically realistic scenes of a carefully observed sense of place, offering small details of everyday life.

For a series set in New York’s bustling SoHo neighborhood, Giarrano painted from numerous unique vantage points, such as from the top of the subway stairs, looking toward a figure emerging from the underground. He was born on November 17, 1960 in Buffalo, NY and received his MFA from Syracuse University in 1985. In 2009, Giarrano was the subject of a major exhibition at the Susan Powell Fine Art Gallery. He has also been employed as an illustrator for DC and Marvel comics, including working on the flagship series Batman and Batgirl.