Home Artists Thomas Block Humery


Thomas Block Humery

Paris, France

1 Works exhibited on Kooness

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Works by Thomas Block Humery



125 x 100cm


Born in Paris in 1971, Thomas Block Humery is a French-German artist who lives and works in Paris. He holds a master's degree in film studies from Panthéon-Sorbonne University.

After dedicating a decade of photographic work to young people in the Nordic countries and exhibiting his work in Reykjavik, Rovaniemi, Cologne or The Hague, he begins around 2010 to focus his work on the United States and "The Great American Vernacular Encyclopedia", a constantly evolving cathedral project that explores the American territory as an ordinary and transcendent experience.

In his wanderings, he examines with his 4x5 chamber the mundane as an enigmatic source of mystery and poetic elevation, a world both literal and cryptic. His work is published in volumes by Marguo Books. After the first volume titled "The Sleeper" in 2020, volumes 2 and 3, "Delta Delta" and "Mineral Motel" made in the Gulf South and across the Nevada and Arizona desert respectively are now available.