Home Artists Stijn Cole


Stijn Cole

Ghent, Belgium

3 Works exhibited on Kooness

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Works by Stijn Cole

Stijn Cole (Belgium, 1978) is a contemporary artist who works within an oeuvre that uses landscape as a subject matter to depict concepts of time, colour and how humans view and experience reality. Cole's use of media is diverse; he draws, paints, produces sculpture, installation & photographic work. In addition, Cole creates abstract and figurative images without wanting to establish a hierarchy. With all the above, he manages to create a harmonious entity in which content and form reinforce each other and his work testifies to a highly original vision of the world around us. Recurring themes include the horizon as a subjective measure of our looking, time and light that influence the landscape, and the position of the viewer that as a result determine the outward appearance of the work. "Cole doesn't want to show us the landscape, he wants to immerse us in it and influence our view forever" Robert Hoozee. Cole's sculptural work is often an exact replica of parts of the earth's surface. He has previously moulded parts of the French coast, the Mont Sainte Victoire and a French waterfall. The places are chosen for their significance in time, the rocky coastline deteriorates a little further every day under the pounding of the sea so that the sculptures capture a fragment of time, the fountain creates an ever-changing image through the rippling water and the parts of Mont Sainte Victoire refer to their significance for contemporary Western art.