Home Artists Shoko Okumura


Shoko Okumura


1 Works exhibited on Kooness

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Works by Shoko Okumura

Born in Japan in 1983, currently Shoko Okumura lives and works in Milan Italy. Recipient of a distinguished government scholarship, in 2008 Shoko graduated with a BFA in Traditional Japanese Painting at Tokyo University of Arts. She then moved to Florence Italy to study the art of fresco restorations. This newfound understanding of fresco techniques and colors led to experimenting and applying Italian pigments to Japanese painting techniques, which often utilize metal supports such as gold or silver leaf. This style of painting is more demanding than what appears at first glance. An intent gazer must mesh palpable first impressions with subtle hints and allusions, thereby expanding one’s extrinsic perceptive vision, the image within the frame, to the inner self – of both artist and observer – to which the image truly appeals.

Shoko is inspirited to paint works that represent the relationship between human beings and nature. She is deeply intrigued by seasons passing, colors waning and sounds of nature merging towards a renewed harmony, all these have always, across all cultures, been a source both of art inspiration through its myriad of expressions and of deep emotions for souls open to the world’s wonders.