Home Artists Sam Shendi


Sam Shendi

Dekernes, Egypt

1 Works exhibited on Kooness

Current location

Great Britain

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Works by Sam Shendi

Dream Catcher III


Sculpture , Mixed Media

60 x 100 x 100cm


Egyptian born British Sculptor Sam Shendi creates joyfully coloured abstractions of the human figure which, with the subtlest of indicators, hints at the complexity of human interactions. He graduated in 1997 with a first class BA degree with honors from Helwen University of Fine Arts in Cairo. Shendi's works references the work of "minimalism", the style of paring-down design elements and focusing on the medium of steel, aluminum and paint. Some of his works are deceptively simple in form but include the qualities of metaphorical associations, symbolism and suggestions of spiritual transcendence, which is what the artist of the 60's and 70's were trying to avoid.