Home Artists Renzo Nucara


Renzo Nucara

Crema, Italy

1 Works exhibited on Kooness

Current location

Bergamo, Italy

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Works by Renzo Nucara

Homage to Leonardo



50 x 50cm

240,00 €

Renzo Nucara's initial work revolves around the theme of the Diary: emotions, sensations, "facts of the day" written on the canvas. Writing then became a sign, the canvas gives way to three-dimensionality, new materials come into play - woods, found objects, transparent films - with which he creates the ironic Memory Boxes. He returns to two-dimensionality with the finds that characterize his artistic production of the 90s: he plays with the idea of ​​an object already corroded by time, in papier-mâché, foam rubber and plastic material on which layers of color, granules, pigments are thickened, elements of the natural world. In 1993 he founded the Cracking Art movement together with five other artists. 

Renzo Nucara graduated from Bergamo Art School in 1973 and attended the Brera Academy in Milan. His first personal exhibition dates back to 1977 at the Galleria Ticino in Milan.

He participated with Cracking Art group in the 49th Venice Biennale with the installation Sos World: more than a thousand recycled and golden plastic turtles that occupy the gardens around the historic pavilions . He returns to the Biennale, again with Cracking Art, in 2011 and 2013. He joins his group work with his artistic research, focused in the early 2000s on Resinfilm: stratifications of resins, pigments and small objects that become the matrix of the most recent Stratofilms.