Home Artists Raffaele Coletta


Raffaele Coletta


3 Works exhibited on Kooness

Current location

United Kingdom

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Works by Raffaele Coletta


Paintings , Oil

60 x 60cm

3200,00 €

Love me Again

Paintings , Oil

60 x 60cm

3200,00 €


Paintings , Oil

60 x 60cm

3200,00 €

Raffaele is an Italian artist based in London (UK). He has been fascinated by the art of drawing since his childhood. As teenager, while he was attending the Scientific High School, he started to study, as self taught, anatomy, perspective, the theory of shade and light and colour. After gaining his Scientific Diploma, he decided to study Art in Italy. Eventually, he moved to London (UK) where Raffaele obtained his BA (hons) Fine Art from London South Bank University and an HND in Graphic Design at the City and Islington College, London. Meanwhile he has created many paintings, experimenting with different techniques and ways and trying to see anatomy not only as the figure of the human body, but also as an expression of his emotions. He loves to express himself through the fascinating media of oil paints, and the different possibilities that this medium offers. He uses brushes, palette knives, rags, fingers and more. His interest in art revolves around how human bodies and minds work, and everything in between.

I love to express myself through the fascinating media of oil paints, and the different possibilities that this medium offers. I use brushes, palette knives, rags, fingers and more. My interest in art revolves around how human bodies and minds work, and everything in between. I like to experiment with the human form in many ways that challenge the norm about the connection between body and mind. Creating surrealistic images in most of my paintings, my goal is to explore expressions of human emotions and feelings. As my painting and experimenting process developed around the human mind, my works started to reflects my own thoughts and emotions, in which my subtle portrait can be related to the viewer. I am currently working on a series of paintings that challenge the relationship between the conscious and unconscious minds. Therefore in my paintings the viewer can see a mix of real and unreal, anatomies and portraits of men and women. But also non-existent objects that seem to have no meaning for the logical side of the viewer, but which instead have a deep meaning for the unconscious side.