Home Artists Nik Baeyens


Nik Baeyens


0 Works exhibited on Kooness

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Works by Nik Baeyens

Nik Baeyen is an artist and designer known for his dynamic and innovative production. Through his holistic approach, he involves space and form in his art, giving life to new creations with which to tell his vision.

Its motto " In design we connect, in art we disconnect " (in design we connect, in art we disconnect), refers, on the one hand, to the combination of forms and functions in the material whose added value can be found in the environments and in objects, on the other hand, to the continuous discovery between the new boundaries of matter and in the unlimited field of the imagination. Its characters and symbols invite the viewer to eradicate their own interpretations under the guidance of intuition.

He has created several series over the years, from installations that include 2D sketches associated with 3D ceramic objects, such as " Imaginary Animals ", to hand-made drawings using different types of techniques depicting reinterpretations of Disney characters, for example “ Rairy Tales ”, and subjects belonging to pop culture loaded with a new interpretation or, again, the works that combine images and shapes in new contexts on wooden boards or canvases.

In fact, the artist claims that “ Life is too short for mediocrity but creativity is timeless ” (life is too short for mediocrity but creativity is timeless).