Home Artists Niccolò Misrachi


Niccolò Misrachi

Milan, Italy

2 Works exhibited on Kooness

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Works by Niccolò Misrachi

arte=ego≠vuoto=libertà I


Paintings , Mixed Media

60 x 60cm


Coscienza della bolla I


Paintings , Mixed Media

60 x 40cm


Born in 1997 in Milan, Italy, he completed his studies at the Milan ACME Academy of Fine Arts as an illustrator. He began his career in the visual arts at the Istituto Comprensivo Statale Jacopo Barozzi in 2011, realizing with its collaboration, the graphic layout of "Polis 3000", a board game intended for Italian schools, promoted by the municipality of Milan. Since 2012 he has been studying pictorial subjects at the “Umberto Boccioni” High School in Milan. At the same time, he deepens graphics and digital painting, which leads him to create artworks for well-known Italian underground bands such as Landscape of Zeroes, Atomic Massacre, Eraser etc. Since 2017 he has been studying photography at the Academy becoming passionate about landscape photography. He also deepens the techniques of 2D digital animation and begins his editorial experience by publishing the illustrated book "Il Piccolo Asso" in 2019. “I follow my impulses and try to satisfy the needs of the various sides of my character. This is why I often change the way I express myself, the tools, materials and style.” His desire is to be able to create artworks that can be a creative starting point for any other person.