Home Artists Nicasio Fernandez


Nicasio Fernandez

United States

2 Works exhibited on Kooness

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Works by Nicasio Fernandez

What A Start To The Day


Prints , Screen Print

60.96 x 45.72cm

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61.98 x 86.11cm

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Nicasio Fernandez’s vibrant figurative works emerge from intuitive marks on the surface into developed paintings intertwined with the embodiment of human emotion and personal life experiences. The surreal-like oil paintings become considered displays of poetic absurdity, anxiety, melancholy, manual labor, pressures of life, and feelings of not belonging. Fernandez’s expressive cast of stylized figures with exaggerated features and unnatural flesh tones are proxies for the viewer to connect their own present circumstances. Fusing a variety of art historical references from Expressionism to Peter Saul to Chicago Imagists, the work engages visual metaphors, hypothetical situations, social commentary, and humor to explore the psychological and physical endurance submerged within our contemporary life. Fernandez studied at the School of Visual Arts in New York and has exhibited in New York, Los Angeles, Hong Kong, Seoul, Philadelphia, Austin, and Seattle. His works are in the collections of the Hall Art Foundation and the Beth Rudin DeWoody Collection.