Home Artists Natalia Zourabova


Natalia Zourabova

Russian Federation

2 Works exhibited on Kooness

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Works by Natalia Zourabova

untitled 2


Paintings , Drawings

17.5 x 25.5cm




Paintings , Drawings

54.5 x 25.5cm



Natalia Zourabova was born in Moscow in 1975. From 1986 till 1993, she studied painting and drawing at the Moscow Academic Art Lyceum of the Russian Academy of Arts (MAHL RAKh). She graduated from the Institute of Contemporary Art (ICA) in 1999 and from the Russian Institute of Theatre Arts(GITIS) in 2000, and then left first for Germany where she studied at the Berlin University of the Arts, and later for Israel. In 2011, in Tel Aviv, Zourabova and five other artists born in the former USSR (Zoya Cherkasskaya, Olga Kundina, Anna Lukashevskaya, Asya Lukin) founded the New Barbizon group. The name of the group refers to the Barbizon School of Painting which was established in France in an independent subject for pictures. While the French Barbizon gathered to paint from life in the Fontainebleau forest, the New Barbizon group took to the streets of the modern city, and thus the social aspect came forward in their paintings.