Home Artists Monique J Dufour


Monique J Dufour


5 Works exhibited on Kooness

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Works by Monique J Dufour

Healing Energy

Paintings , Acrylic

90 x 90cm

900,00 €

Last Sunset

Paintings , Acrylic

91 x 131cm

1500,00 €

Bold Sky

Paintings , Acrylic

96 x 117cm

1800,00 €


Paintings , Acrylic

117 x 96.5cm

1200,00 €

Currently living in Spain she is a Canadian Artist born in 1957 in Montreal, where she pursued a career in business . In 2013 she visited St. Paul de Vence (France), and upon her return she was motivated to pick up a paintbrush for the first time, and she has never looked back. In 2016 she spent 12 weeks spent at the art residency La Macina de San Cresci in Tuscany, Italy, which reinforced in her heart that art was her love. Exhibitions include: Solo shows in Torrevieja, Spain; La Macina di san Cresci, Tuscany, Italy; Hall of Art, Feltmate, Delibato & Heagle, Burlington, Ontario, Canada; among others. Her several group exhibitions were those held at Galerie Sonia Monti, Paris France and Art Gallery of Burlington, Ontario, Canada, and many more. She was also selected for juried exhibitions by Joshua Creek Heritage Art Centre in Oakville, Ontario, Canada. Recent juried exhibitions and awards include the Healing Power of Arts, J Mane Gallery and Camel Back Gallery, Gallery Ring, Artist Space, (USA) publication in COA (Georgia), Artsy Shark, Fusion Art, Artrepreneur, Artist Space Gallery, Art Show International, Grey Cube Gallery, HMVC, and more.


She is an intuitive self-taught painter. She paints with music and music paints through her, orchestrating a symphony of colors, movements, energies, and vibrations. Life and music and colors are her sources of inspiration, and her paintings are a journey for both the artist and the viewer. She identifies herself as painting from the inside out. When she paints, she is drawn to select a palette of colours, and spiritual source and energy guide her hands and creates all that is beautiful from and for the soul, which frequently provides a healing energy and vibration, that lingers with the artwork. She paints in a trance-like state, not knowing what she will create, and is drawn to paint with many layers (each layer being part of the story) and often with bold texture, with no restrictions. She does not limit herself to one style of painting and her art is very diverse. Her art encourages individual interpretation and resonance with the observer.