Home Artists Marco Santaniello


Marco Santaniello


44 Works exhibited on Kooness

Current location

Cosenza, Calabria in Italy

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Works by Marco Santaniello

Motorbike Tsunami


Paintings , Digital Print

90 x 70 x 3cm

6000,00 €

Around the Shepard Bush


Paintings , Digital Print

60 x 80 x 3cm

4600,00 €

View of Matera


Prints , Digital Print

65 x 90 x 3cm

6000,00 €

Rainbow Building


Prints , Digital Print

80 x 70 x 3cm

4500,00 €

Akibahara Entrance


Prints , Digital Print

70 x 90 x 3cm

5500,00 €

King Kong in in Sangenjaya


Prints , Digital Print

80 x 60 x 3cm

5500,00 €

Flamenco Seville


Prints , Digital Print

60 x 80 x 3cm

3500,00 €

Tokyo Alley


Prints , Digital Print

80 x 60 x 3cm

4000,00 €

NY Sbarro



45 x 32 x 0.1cm

300,00 €

Marco Santaniello is an Italian artist born in 1981 who lives & works in Cosenza, Calabria in Italy. He started his path doing Pop Portraits and in front of his “rainbow wall” background who everyone can be a superstar. After a while, he slowly started to expand the range of his works also thanks to his passion for exploring new places walking all over them as a real globetrotter. He started to take pictures of everything that was catching his eyes around streets, especially urban landscapes, so that’s why he started to show the reality of the daily street life seen as first person with his feelings during his copious trips.

Marco Santaniello believes that being a Pop (popular) artist means to be very close to the community and people and on the base of all his artworks there’s the idea that we are all the same and there’s beauty everywhere if we have the right mind-set. 

He started his path doing Pop Portraits and in front of his “rainbow wall” background everyone can be a superstar. After a while, he, slowly, started to expand the range of his works also thanks to his passion for exploring new places walking all over them – real globetrotter-  he started to take pictures of everything that was catching his eye around the streets, especially urban landscapes, so that’s why he started to show the reality of the daily street life seen in first person with his eyes during his copious trips (He lived all over Italy and Milan, London, Seoul, Tokyo, NY, Beijing, HK, Taipei, and travelled most of Europe and other places around the globe). 

He practically even tells us – by using Digital tools and printing them on canvas- not to use all these digital technologies and look at the beautiful simple things that surrounds us everyday instead of bending over our “smart” phones,tablets,and so on. 
Another area of his works, let's call it satirical, shows his point of views about the world and the problems that affect all of us: society,religions, politics, mass media, governments, etc.
He does unique pieces and editions of 3 and 6 usually. Rarely 10. All his work starts from high definition pictures, working on them with 2 long processes of vectors and colouring with graphic programs, then printed on premium canvas (for galleries/exhibitions/art fairs , but, he  also printed on Skateboard, ceramic plates and planning more for the future). He is always  in constant evolution in both art and soul. It takes about 150 hours of computer work to make one of his hardest work but sometimes even more!

He held his first Museum Solo Exhibition in the Yiwu City Museum in 2017 in China .The year before, he also did his first important collaboration with a fashion brand, Belstaff UK, for Milan Design Week “FUORISALONE) in april 2016 and he has been one of the annual artist master of Art Revolution Taipei 2017 in april at World Trade Center and He has been invited there every year since then.

He’s currently represented by galleries and agents in South Korea,Mexico,China,Brazil.