Home Artists Léa Mongiat


Léa Mongiat

Paris, France

6 Works exhibited on Kooness

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Works by Léa Mongiat

Le Baiser


Paintings , Acrylic

35 x 24cm

170,00 €

Le Penseur


Paintings , Acrylic

35 x 27cm

185,00 €



Paintings , Acrylic

41 x 33cm

220,00 €



Paintings , Acrylic

61 x 50cm

330,00 €

La Larme


Paintings , Acrylic

46 x 55cm

300,00 €



Paintings , Acrylic

149 x 89cm

700,00 €

Léa Mongiat is a painter from Le Mans who lives and works in Paris. From an early age, Léa drew and painted, finding great freedom in this means of expression. She then decided to study drawing and painting in Nantes. 
She also studied perfume and theatre for several years, before devoting herself entirely to painting in 2020. She exhibits regularly in Paris and Le Mans.
Léa draws her inspiration from her childhood memories, her family, her past and present relationships, her vision of herself and the vision of women in general. She finds in women an infinite range of possibilities: their complexity, their strength, their gentleness, their fragility... their uniqueness.
Contemporary artists such as Niki de Saint Phalle, Inès Longevial and Sona Asemani are also a great source of inspiration, both in their lives and in their work.
Léa mainly paints portraits of women, very colourful and 'cut up' into several small parts. The different parts represent the different facets of these women, the different roles in their lives... What's more, the cut lines are not straight, the colours are not totally uniform... Like a map to be deciphered, these portraits expose the complexity of women.