Home Artists Kristina Milakovic


Kristina Milakovic

Belgrade, Serbia

0 Works exhibited on Kooness

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Works by Kristina Milakovic

Kristina Milakovic was born in Belgrade in 1976. From 1993 to 1995 she attended private painting courses at the painter Etela Merc’s studio in Belgrade, and she accomplished her Diploma at the School of Architecture. During the same period, she studied Sculpture with professor Milan Rakocevic and Byzantine Iconography with Professor Slobodan Vitkovic. In 1996 she moved to Italy improving her skills at the Academy of Fine Arts of Florence, and the following year she moved to Rome where she attended the four-year period painting course of professor Nunzio Solendo at the Academy of Fine Arts. In 2003 she graduated in Painting with the highest grade, 110/110.