Home Artists Kin Choi Lam


Kin Choi Lam

Hong Kong

1 Works exhibited on Kooness

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Works by Kin Choi Lam

The Odd One Out

Prints , Silk screen printing

40 x 50cm


Kin Choi Lam is a media and illustration artist based in Hong Kong. He graduated from the School of Creative Media of the City University of Hong Kong with First Honors Degree. At present he is studying for his Master of Fine Arts at the Cambridge School of Art in the UK (graduate class of 2020).

Kinchoi loves to contemplate the relations between daily life and contemporary arts and he also attempts to bring deeper human touch to his artworks. The drawings and illustrations of Kinchoi are delightfully intimate episodes that pack emotions, memories and sentiments in a small package through his amazing minimal drawing style: a cat curled sleeping on a floral blanket, a boy’s figure with a dark gray cloud for a head, a couple dancing or sitting on the swing etc.. His works aptly explain what is meant by “Little things that mean a lot” as well as “Less is more”.

No matter the subject matter, Kinchoi is able to extract the essence of feeling from each illustration with quick flicks of his wrist.