Home Artists Erwin Wurm


Erwin Wurm

Bruck an der Mur, Austria

3 Works exhibited on Kooness

Current location

New York

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Works by Erwin Wurm



Sculpture , Bronze , Metal

11 x 38 x 15cm

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Erwin Wurm (Austrian, b.1954) is an artist best known for his strange depictions of everyday life and his humorous approach to the Formalism style. He was born in Bruck an der Mur and studied at the Academy of Applied Arts in Vienna and the Academy of Fine Arts in Austria. Wurm takes everyday object such as nails, screws, and almost anything else, and creates breathtaking sculptures that make people question exactly what defines a sculpture. He has been working on One Minute Sculpturessince the late 1980s; in these works, a model poses with everyday objects, but in a strange and almost unnatural way.  Wurm’s work involves taking something mundane and enlarging, curving, or otherwise distorting it. His goal is to cause the viewer to look closer at the sculpture and find its true meaning. Wurm resides in Vienna and Limburg, Austria.