Home Artists Enrico Benaglia


Enrico Benaglia

Rome, Italy

4 Works exhibited on Kooness

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Works by Enrico Benaglia

La partenza



65 x 50cm

4830,00 €

La nave domestica


Paintings , Oil

60 x 50cm

7935,00 €

Il pesce assetato



70 x 50cm

4830,00 €

Giorno di riposo


Paintings , Oil

100 x 100cm

23000,00 €

Enrico Benaglia was born in 1938 in Rome, where he lives and works. In the 1960s and early 1970s, thanks to the authenticity of his painting, Benaglia came into contact with a cultural world of poets and actors, including Luciano Luisi, Renato Civello, Claudio Rendina, Mario Lunetta, Nanni Fabbri, Riccardo Cucciolla, Gabriella Sobrino, Umberto Serafini and Guido Ruggiero, who contributed to the development and definition of his particular poetic world.

At the beginning of the 1980s, Benaglia definitively placed himself in the national art scene thanks to the identification of an original and symbolic iconography, linked to the fairy-tale and mythological world. The strong success with the public and critics is confirmed by the succession, starting in the 1990s, of major institutional exhibitions in Italy and abroad. Among them are The Enchanted Drawing Room at the Castle of L'Aquila in 1998, States of Permanent Instability at Villa Letizia in Treviso in 2000, The Secret Garden at the Vittoriano Museum in Rome in 2002, Geography of Emotions at the Museum of Santa Maria della Scala in Siena in 2004, Inner Path at the Pinacoteca civica in Teramo in 2007, Collages-Paintings at the Pinacoteca Vitelli in Città di Castello in 2008, Benaglia's Circus at the Auditorium Parco della Musica in Rome in 2010, and Mediterranean Splendor at the Chamber of Commerce in Catania in 2011.

Some of his most famous pictorial cycles have been exhibited at atypical and evocative venues such as the Charles de Gaulle Airports in Paris and the Jhon F. Kennedy in New York, as well as in prestigious venues such as the Institutes of Italian Culture in Strasbourg, Madrid and Vienna and again the Italian Embassy in Tallinn.