Home Artists Cristina Mayo


Cristina Mayo

United States

6 Works exhibited on Kooness

Represented by

Works by Cristina Mayo


Paintings , Ink , Watercolors

37 x 37cm

355,00 €


Drawings , Ink , Watercolors

35 x 45cm

500,00 €


Paintings , Ink , Watercolors

32 x 24cm

355,00 €


Drawings , Engraving

35 x 45cm

240,00 €


Paintings , Ink , Watercolors

37 x 37cm

355,00 €

Mechanical animals is the interpretation of natural beings from a technological point of view.

Just as Le Corbusier interpreted the dwelling as a dwelling machine, the idea of turning living beings into mechanisms is developed.

These "living machines" are a technological interpretation of living beings. A mechanism that analyzes from the inside the structures and movements that evolution has provided these creatures with.