Home Artists Yves Sadurní


Yves Sadurní

Tenochtitlán, Mexico

6 Works exhibited on Kooness

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Works by Yves Sadurní


Sculpture , Metal

80 x 7 x 7cm

970,00 €


Paintings , Metal

30 x 20cm

550,00 €


Paintings , Metal

30 x 20cm

550,00 €


Sculpture , Metal

22 x 8.5 x 8.5cm

970,00 €


Sculpture , Metal

47 x 44 x 42cm

3150,00 €

Triple embudo de Grievnik

Sculpture , Metal

87 x 17 x 17cm

2420,00 €

Tenochtitlán, 1976.
Yves Sadurní Dupont develops his artistic production from activism, in positions that question the socio-cultural reality of his immediate context; hence Mexico, Spain and France, England, India, the Philippines or New York have been the scenarios to articulate a moral, inclusive and controversial discourse, which explores in ontological arguments human behaviors and their consequences. Drawing, painting, design, architecture, sculpture, public intervention or audiovisual work as tools to access from the micro to the macro, from the past to the present, from the general to the particular, from fable to reality; dualities that respond to the incessant search for the self and the criticism of consumer systems and societies of failed models. 
He believes in the social role of art as a detonator and regenerator of tissues, capable of sensitizing and promoting reflection through aesthetic and contemplative experience. He is interested in generating currents of thought and possible conceptual catharsis through plastic actions that awaken curiosity and force the viewer to look inside. He conceives interdependence as the essence of the creative force, and life as a whole in that immense connection where art is the medium that takes the individual by the hand to make him emerge from the collective.

2005 - Women and Water Seminar. Navdanya, Bija Vidyapeeth , India.
2004 - Seminar Gandhi and globalization. Navdanya, Bija Vidyapeeth , India.
2001 - Technical Workshop of the Trampantojo, Faculty of Fine Arts, Complutense University, Madrid.
1997 - Watercolor Workshop. Prof. Armando Ruiz. Faculty of Architecture. UNAM, Mexico.
1995/1998- Architecture. Faculty of Architecture, UNAM, Mexico.
1994 - Materials Technical Workshop. Ann Fischer. Museum of contemporary art, Mexico.

2001 “el Huevo” # 57 April, Pages 67-74 Editorial Tercera Época, Mexico.

2000 “Telemundo” #56 November-December directed by José Antonio Fernández, Mexico.

1997 Illustrations for the magazine of the Honorable Human Revindication Committee, Mexico.

1996 Illustrations for Editer, Mexico.

1994 Illustrations for the magazine "El Péndulo", Mexico.

Curating and Cultural Management

2014 Curator of the Showcase-Gallery, Ruzafa, Valencia, Spain.

2009 Curator and coordinator of the exhibition "In MY House", Manila, Philippines.

2004 Curatorship and coordination of activities of Casas y Calles, Madrid, Spain.

2002 Curatorship and coordination of activities of Casas y Calles, Madrid, Spain.

2001 Curatorship and coordination of activities of Silo de Arte, Las Pedroñeras, Spain.