Home Artists Appias Albina


Appias Albina


5 Works exhibited on Kooness

Represented by

Works by Appias Albina

Peripheral Vision

53 x 53cm

790,00 €

Pearl Belt

53 x 53cm

790,00 €

Hidden Altar

53 x 53cm

790,00 €


, Engraving

210 x 100cm

2180,00 €

Peripheral Vision


53 x 53cm

790,00 €

Appias is a printmaker, specializing in animalistic themes. She creates textural transfers using carbon paper and a hot plate. Her style draws heavily from scientific illustration, natural history and oriental art traditions. 
Inspired by her love of textures, from the organic ones of everyday objects to those of vast abandoned cities, she creates and fills her works with vibrant and unexpected details. Her strange creatures are plucked from space and time, soaring through the air like mystical messages, spells, enchanting you with their legend.