Home Artists Carolina Bazo


Carolina Bazo

Lima, United States

2 Works exhibited on Kooness

Current location

Lima, Peru

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Works by Carolina Bazo

Mothers of the desert


100 x 70cm


La porfiada / roly – poly


70 x 100cm


Carolina Bazo combines engraving, painting, sculpture and installation. She studied at the Faculty of Art of the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru PUCP from which she graduated from the painting speciality and studied at Akademie der Bildenden Kunste, München, with Professor Weisshar. She has exhibited individual exhibitions in the Peruvian galleries Cecilia González Arte Contemporáneo, Forum, 80m2 and Artco; in the galleries, Sara León and the Canary Islands Preserve of Spain and in the La Fábrica de Guatemala gallery, among others.


1988 - 1993 Pontificia University Catolica of Peru / Faculty of fine arts, Bachelor in Painting
1993 - 1998 Akademie der Bildenden Kunste, Munchen / Prof. Weisshar.


2019 Forum Gallery, Lima / "Sin Fronteras"
2019 Escuela Militar de Chorrillos, Lima / Art Lima- 0-Art Project
2019 Grand Palais, Paris / Art Paris-Project Room, Curator: Valentina Locatelli
2018 Scope Miami / Miami 0-Aft Project
2018 Galeria Cecilia Gonzalez Arte Contemporaneo, Lima / Gallery Weekend
2018 La Rural, Buenos Aires / BA Photo 0-Art Project
2018 MAC Museo de Arte Contemporaneo, Lima / Parc-O-Art Project
2018 Scope Basel / Basel 0-Art Project
2017 Scope Miami / Miami X-Change Art
2017 Forum Gallery, Lima / Colectiva
2017 Escuela Militar de Chorrillos, Lima / Art Lima - Cede Gallery
2017 Cede Gallery, Lima / Muestra de arte contemporaneo 'Transversal'
2016 TEA, Tenerife / Espacio de las Arles - Sala de Proyecciones. Festival Espacio Enter Artechmedia Canarias 'Introspective' 2016 Cede Gallery, Lima / Solo Show 'Patrones'
2016 Andrew Feedman Gallery, New York / Bienal Latinoamericana del Bronx