Home Artists Carlo Massimo Franchi


Carlo Massimo Franchi

Pavia, Italy

28 Works exhibited on Kooness

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Works by Carlo Massimo Franchi

Stargate Light II

Lightbox , Mixed Media

25 x 39.5 x 13.5cm

500,00 €

Stargate Light III

Paintings , Mixed Media

35.5 x 27.5 x 13cm

500,00 €

Stargate Light IV

Prints , Mixed Media

41 x 28.5 x 13.5cm

500,00 €


Prints , Mixed Media

28.5 x 39.5cm

600,00 €

Monica Vitti

Lightbox , Mixed Media

35.5 x 52 x 13cm

500,00 €


Lightbox , Mixed Media

35.5 x 52 x 13cm

500,00 €

Red Carpet

Paintings , Oil

171 x 46 x 4cm

1200,00 €

Carlo Massimo Franchi (Pavia 1961) graduated at Brera Accademy, where he knew his Master Salvatore Fiume. His early works are strongly influenced by Fiume. The series called Mediterranean women is the best example: sensual women with soft curves, in Oriental atmospheres.

During the later period his style changes in a painting characterized by bright and flat colours. He realizes many works on commission and the series of Kaleidos, in which Cubist influences and the refined line of classical Greek art are mixed up.

He exhibits his works in many Italian and foreign cities (Milan, Turin, Palermo... San Francisco, Los ANgeles, Las Vegas...).

Now he lived and works in Novara.