Home Artists Angelo Bordiga


Angelo Bordiga

Brescia, Italy

0 Works exhibited on Kooness

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Works by Angelo Bordiga

Born in Bagolino (BS) on the 24th January, 1963, he currently lives and works in Brescia.

A graduate of the Institute of Art, Cantu’, decorative painting session (high school diploma in art)

Graduated from the Academy of Brera, Milan

From 1989 he has been collaborating as a set designer and painter creator in the theatre company "Uscita di sicurezza", Milan.

From 1994 to 1996 he worked as a decorator for the Italian Graphics Institute, Milan.

Apprenticeship as a restorer of architectural works with the "Cooperative for Restoration", Milan

From 1998 to 2000 collaboration on decorative works

"Trompe-l'oeil" with the company "Gilmajo", Brescia.

A work has been on permanent display since 2006 at the Civic Museum Parisi-Valle, Maccagno (VA).