Home Magazine Color, Form, and Emotion: Exploring Lu Kuznetsova's World

Lu is a surrealist artist. Art has been a significant part of her life since childhood and today is a means of expression and exploration of human feelings, dreams and experiences. With her paintings Lu attempts to force the viewer's gaze inwards to question hidden or suppressed emotions. Read the Article to Discover More.

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Kooness: Describe what kind of art you focus on?
Lu Kuznetsova:
I specialize in surrealism and continue to focus on this style because its language mixes classic vibes with contemporary relevance. While I actively explore new materials, painting techniques, and mixed media, my primary and favorite tools are traditional - oil, canvas, brush, and occasionally a palette knife. Despite living in a new fast changing world I maintain a dialogue with tradition, paying homage to old masters through subtle references.

K: Why do you make this type of art?
Surrealism, with its engagement with the unconscious, resonates deeply with my expressive instincts. I admire the fact that surrealism speaks the language of the weird and unexpected, looking everywhere for strange, creepy, eccentric, sometimes ugly things, in other words, the opposite of the ideal. We all strive very much for perfection in our time. This is my opportunity to combine the beautiful with the terrible and at the same time I don’t have to depict all the guts. In general, I often think about existential questions, and surrealism gives me a rich opportunity to express my thoughts. I can communicate with the viewer not directly, but in the language of symbols, codes and figurative references. Without directly copying nature, I strive to convey my inner world, feelings, personal monologues - inviting the audience to explore my particular vision of the world.

Lu Kutzenstova. Encounters. Courtesy of Kunstzürichsüd

K: What inspires you?
At its core, my artistic inspiration comes from my heart, feelings, my inner world, filled with life experiences, emotions and everything mysterious that makes up the essence of my creative process. Life itself, relationships, dreams and philosophical reflections also fuel my creativity.

K: How has your style changed over time?
Originally centered around animalistic depictions, particularly horses, elephants, and cows, my early works reflected my close connection to the rural environment of my grandparents' home. As I matured, I turned towards expressing emotions, experiences and thoughts. Moving away from direct representation, my focus turned to other figurative forms, integrating portraits of animals into surreal contexts. Since then, the main emphasis of my paintings is usually of an animal conveying both emotional and expressive meaning.

K: Which art trends inspire your current work?
I find inspiration from collages and hyperrealism. Recent exhibitions have showcased my exploration of hyperrealism, particularly ‘The Tarantula’ painting inspired by my own pets. This artwork aroused significant interest and emotional engagement from viewers. Sometimes I get inspired by today's fashionable colors that I want to bring into my paintings. I also find inspiration from interesting finds of contemporary artists in social media.

Lu Kutzenstova. Flying High. Courtesy of Kunstzürichsüd

K: Describe how art is important to society?
I think Art plays a crucial role in society. Art is everywhere and shows us what life felt like at a certain time. Art reflects life, it's like a memory bank for society. Also I should mention that I have already met a few people who have undergone art therapy. Art therapy serves as a powerful tool for emotional expression, allowing individuals to process and confront their emotions. Art also gives us a place to gather in communities, one of which I am a member.

K: How can your work help or affect societal issues?
In my works one can easily see a critique of anthropocentrism. I draw attention to pressing issues such as human impact on nature, the treatment of the animal world, species extinction, and environmental pollution. Thinking quite often about such issues I reflect it in my art. In raising these topics, I take a sensitive approach, encouraging viewers to think about these themes, to feel them, rather than imposing a confrontational narrative.

Cover Image: Lu Kutzenstova. Encounters. Courtesy of Kunstzürichsüd

Written by: Kooness

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