From 09/08/2019 To 27/09/2019
INTRO, an exhibition at Luisa Catucci Gallery
Artists: Aqua Aura, Manuela Toselli
Private Preview Invitation Only: August 8th, 7-9pm
Opening Reception: August 9th, 8-11pm
Duration: August 9th – September 27th
“The surface of things gives enjoyment, their interiority gives life”
Piet Mondrian
INTRO in its original Latin form means inwardly. The urge to unravel the contents of a box, of a container, of anything that is closed from the inside, is probably one of the most strong characteristics of humanity. How long did Pandora last without opening the box? Curiosity. Curiosity and the irresistible urge for understanding and knowledge are the motor of human evolution, much more than mere survival. The works of the two Italian artists Manuela Toselli and Aqua Aura selected for this exhibition are revealing the inwardly reflections these artists made, each in his or her own way, on existence, co-existence, ecology, psychology, soul expansions, and their contrast with modern society, with the resulting inevitable paradoxes.
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