Home Artworks I rifugi cedono

I rifugi cedono Discover the best available selection of Paintings by the artist Giacomo Zornetta. Buy from art galleries around the world with Kooness! Kooness
2305 EUR
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I rifugi cedono


Single piece



70 x 120 cm
28 x 47.24 in







Shelters speak of the concept of 'home' in the widest possible psychological sense.
Home' can be a physical place; a set of social and emotional relationships; or a mental place, such as a memory, an imaginary representation or a cultural/normative heritage.  This space, whether real or metaphysical, is inevitably destined to undergo the transformative attacks of externality or, sometimes, to collapse on the intrinsic fragilities of its foundations.
My recent experience, as an artist, but mainly as a third-millennium human, is a constant redefinition of the concept of 'home' taught to me as a child: my greatest 'home', understood as Nature, my planet, is now sick, and suffers the consequences of our lack of respect, retaliating against us. Instead, on the idea of 'home', as a place and as a family clan, my journey has taught me that it is a constructible and not a given concept; that we are free to make 'home' whatever, and whomever, we feel is ours.
All that remains, then, is a skeleton of the original perception of our 'belonging' to something: the belief in the existence of a bond is, and remains, a belief, and this makes it, by its very nature, subject to change.
One of the most terrible fears is the absence of bonds or protections that fence us off from the unknown and foreign. However, the moment we embrace the transience of our roots we realise how unnecessary they are for survival. We are liberз to build what we desire, we are liberз also not to build: we therefore remain looking at the spectre of our belonging as if it were only a memory, being submerged.

, United States

Giacomo Zornetta, class of 1999.

Giacomo Zornetta was born in Milan in 1999. He has always cultivated a passion for artistic expression in all its forms, especially drawing and photography. In 2017, he began producing works using the acrylic on canvas technique, immediately moving on to oil paints. He currently lives and works in Milan.

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Looking For Art Gallery is a place of artistic and cultural exchange for hundreds of under 35 artists gravitating around our project. The final goal is to create new and better growth opportunities for young artists, who can find in our online gallery a place where they can express, experiment and share art in all its facets. It is a space where innovation...

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