Home Artists Xiao Ying Chen


Xiao Ying Chen

Yongzhou, China

17 Works exhibited on Kooness

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Works by Xiao Ying Chen

Untitled 4


Paintings , Oil , Acrylic

90 x 70 x 3cm

1600,00 €

Untitled 3


Paintings , Oil , Acrylic

90 x 70 x 3cm

1600,00 €

Untitled 2


Paintings , Oil , Acrylic

90 x 70 x 3cm

1600,00 €



Paintings , Oil , Acrylic

100 x 80 x 4cm

1990,00 €



Paintings , Oil , Acrylic

70 x 80 x 4cm

900,00 €

Look Up


Paintings , Oil , Acrylic

70 x 80 x 4cm

900,00 €



Paintings , Oil , Acrylic

60 x 80 x 4cm


Love Cures No.10


Paintings , Oil , Acrylic

120 x 100 x 4cm

1300,00 €

Love Cures No. 9


Paintings , Oil , Acrylic

80 x 60 x 4cm

900,00 €

Love Cures No.8


Paintings , Oil , Acrylic

100 x 80 x 4cm


Chen Xiao Ying, born on 20/01/1968 in Yongzhou, HuNan province, works and lives as an independent artist in China. Throughout her artistic career for over thirty years, Xiaoying has developed her own pictorial language. Her new series (Love Cures), inspired by the rough time of 2021, invite us to catch sight of the creativity and mentality of the artist. Figures hidden in the rich texture of paints then emerge from imagination. Large brushstrokes and vivid colors bring us strong visual impact, allowing us to feel her emotions and introspective consciousness flowing from the canvas.


Abstract Painting Invitation Exhibition, Yongzhou , Hunan, China, 2021
Solo Exhibition, Longfu Cultural Center, 9th Floor, Longfu Building, Beijing. 2020
Group Exhibition <<Art Guangdong Contemporary Art Fair>> , Guangzhou, China. 2020
Contemporary Sketch Art Exhibition, Gallery Yuefu, Guangxi, China, 2019
Her Art · Makeup Remover Era, Gallery Datian, Shanghai, China, 2019
Huaqiao International Contemporary Art Exhibition,GuiLin, GuangXi, China, 2019
Beijing Summer Exhibition 18, Gallery Enlai, Beijing, China, 2018
Her Vision Contemporary Art Exhibition Gallery Enlai, Beijing, 2018
China Contemporary Art Alliance Exhibition, Shangshang International Art Museum, Beijing, China, 2017
Super Female Artist Selection Finalist Exhibition, Shangshang International Art Museum, Beijing, China, 2016
This Shore, The Other Shore, TEDA Art Museum, Tianjin, China, 2016
From the Heart the Seventh Hunan Oil Painting Exhibition, Changsha, HuNan, China, 2016
The Third Contemporary Art Exhibition of Guangdong Province, Guangzhou, China, 2016