Home Artists Willem Boel


Willem Boel


3 Works exhibited on Kooness

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Works by Willem Boel

Sancho Don't Care #05


Sculpture , Video and Installation , Metal , Wood

1100 x 900 x 700cm

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Reward Painting #014


Paintings , Oil , Wood

165 x 120cm

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Reward Painting #013


Paintings , Oil

180 x 165cm

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Willem Boel's work uses industrial structures and objects but without their original functions. Instead they are reconstructed with artistic intent and a rigorous sense of composition. The historical and conceptual motifs as well as the layers of paint, translate into information and materiality that contrast with the empty spaces and visual lightness of his works, whilst at the same time raising questions about disciplinary limits and traditional formats. The importance of process as a key component of his work means that time and duration take on a particular significance.

Willem Boel works mainly in series, the most representative of which are Le chef d'oeuvre inconnu, De Nieuwe Molens, Pare feu and Sancho Don't Care. In 2015, Willem Boel won the prestigious Grand Prix at the Salon de Montrouge.

Boel has exhibited in museums such as Palais de Tokyo, Paris, France (2015); Museum M in Leuven, Belgium (2018); Loods 12 in Wetteren, Belgium (2018). The work Sancho Don't Care #05, an 11 m high monumental installation, is touring Europe and has so far been shown in Latvia, Denmark, France and Belgium. Willem Boel participated in 2021 at the Bruges Triennale, Belgium; Artissima, Turin, Italy; Art Rotterdam, Netherlands; Kunstverein Peschkenhaus Moers, Germany; and many more.