Home Artists Rachel Moulis


Rachel Moulis


6 Works exhibited on Kooness

Current location

Arenthon, France

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Works by Rachel Moulis

L’œil marron


Paintings , Acrylic

23 x 23cm

250,00 €

La galaxie


Paintings , Acrylic

30 x 30cm

400,00 €

La fleur de lotus


Paintings , Acrylic

30 x 30cm

300,00 €

L’œil vert


Paintings , Acrylic

30 x 30cm

350,00 €

L’œil fleuri


Paintings , Acrylic

30 x 30cm

400,00 €

L’arbre de vie


Paintings , Acrylic

30 x 30cm

350,00 €

Rachel Moulis has always loved creating, tinkering and repairing while learning on her own most of the time. Recently, she dove into a pot of paint! Since October 2021, she discovers with wonder this new universe of fluid acrylic. The cells or bubbles created by this technique bring her the oxygen she needs to live. It also teaches her to let go and let the magic happen. She is particularly fond of abstract art, which leaves everyone free to see what they want to see. She likes to paint as much as possible on neglected surfaces in order to bring them back to life and make them attractive and interesting. Her paintings reflect her history and offer her a new space to express herself, to regenerate, and reinvent herself.