Home Artists Irène Boisaubert


Irène Boisaubert


0 Works exhibited on Kooness

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Works by Irène Boisaubert

Born in Boulogne-Billancourt in 1954, Irène Boisaubert lives and works in Paris. At the American Center in Paris, she took classes with Ion Vlad and Raphaël Mahdavi from 1981 to 1986. Then she met Gregory Masurovsky who became her master. She learned etching at the Contrepoint workshop (formerly workshop 17).

His emotion takes shape, color and material in his instinctive painting, search for lost roots, violence of gesture: the instinct of Memory. Irène Boisaubert invents and inscribes a secret calligraphy inspired by her travels and residences in China, India, Israel and Vietnam. The harsh light of Provence in summer is a source of creation: the battle of the canvas with the light.