Home Artists Greg Papagrigoriou


Greg Papagrigoriou


0 Works exhibited on Kooness

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Works by Greg Papagrigoriou

Greg Papagrigoriou is a visual artist and graphic designer based in the island of Syros, Greece. Born 1986, he studied graphic design in Athens and experiments with negative space, forms, lines and calligraphy. His work is characterised by spontaneous gestures, movements and shapes that are mostly inspired from brushstrokes and nature. He considers the space he has chosen to work with and how to combine it in the context of his artwork. He incorporates, digital graphics and calligraphy in his artwork and likes to experiment with various materials such as paper, fabrics and wood. His work has been shown in numerous exhibitions around the world and has collaborated with clients such as Chanel, Four Seasons Hotel, Nike, Adidas,  and Nespresso.