Home Artists François Garros


François Garros

Vienne, France

15 Works exhibited on Kooness

Current location

Charente-maritimer, France

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Works by François Garros

Grand Haiku Cobalt Laque 1


Paintings , Mixed Media

100 x 100 x 5cm

3300,00 €

Grand Haiku Cobalt Laque 2


Paintings , Mixed Media

100 x 100 x 5cm

3300,00 €

G Haiku Bleu De Lectoure 2


Paintings , Mixed Media

100 x 100 x 5cm

3300,00 €

G Haiku Broubleunoir 1


Paintings , Mixed Media

100 x 100 x 5cm

3300,00 €

Grand Déplié


Paintings , Mixed Media

100 x 100 x 5cm

3300,00 €

La Mémoire Enroulée


Paintings , Mixed Media

100 x 100 x 5cm

3300,00 €

Construction Bleue Et Or


Paintings , Acrylic

100 x 100 x 5cm

3300,00 €

Nouvelle Matière 1


Paintings , Mixed Media

100 x 100 x 5cm

3300,00 €

Grande Fresque Bleue III


Paintings , Acrylic

146 x 89 x 5cm

4050,00 €

François Garros was born in 1949 in Vienne, France. He lives and works in Charente-maritime in Nieul-sur-Mer, near La Rochelle. He published several books of poems (from 1985 to 2004), written about several painters and poets (university conferences, essays). Painting made its appearance in the 1990s, in the interstices of his poetic writing. He first worked alone, experimenting with different techniques, from walnut stain: collages, Indian ink, masking, oil on paper, acrylic on canvas. Then he met the abstract painter Alain Villepigue with whom he worked for several years. He exhibited from 2002.  From 2007 his painting turned towards lyrical abstraction.