Home Artists Cecile Dinge


Cecile Dinge


5 Works exhibited on Kooness

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Works by Cecile Dinge

Winter Night

Paintings , Oil

81.2 x 61.36 x 2.5cm

1842,00 €

Man and the Forest

Paintings , Oil

74 x 61.36 x 2.5cm

1474,00 €

Reversed Imaginary

Paintings , Oil

50.8 x 61.36 x 2.5cm

1105,00 €

Curious Glow

Paintings , Oil

46.1 x 56.28 x 2.5cm

921,00 €

Yellow Thunderstorm

Paintings , Oil

81.2 x 61.3 x 2.5cm

1842,00 €

From a young age, I have always practiced drawing and painting. At the time, I was even noticed by my teachers and school directors who recognized in me an early artistic talent. Essentially self-taught, I then turned to watercolor, charcoal, ink, japanese calligraphy, and I set about reproducing old artworks, using in particular the technique of oil painting which became my favorite medium. My artistic sensitivity now leads me to work oil painting with an old medium (and more precisely: Flemish), in order to give more depth to my color palette, while paying special attention to the light as well as the contrasts. My artworks are illustrated by the elaboration of an original visual, sensual and poetic storytelling across very different pictorial styles (ranging from figurative to abstract, and even including cubism), which I intend to explore with a very personal acuity.