Home Artists Mikhail Baranovskiy


Mikhail Baranovskiy

Russian Federation

13 Works exhibited on Kooness

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Works by Mikhail Baranovskiy



Paintings , Acrylic

70 x 100cm

2763,00 €



Paintings , Acrylic

100 x 70cm


New star

Paintings , Acrylic

100 x 70 x 2.5cm

1842,00 €


Paintings , Acrylic

70 x 100 x 2.5cm

2303,00 €

Lady with a horn

Paintings , Acrylic

100 x 70 x 2.5cm

2303,00 €


Paintings , Acrylic

70 x 100 x 2.5cm

2303,00 €

The hand of destiny

Paintings , Acrylic

80 x 60 x 2.5cm

1842,00 €

Mikhail Baranovskiy (born 1963 in the USSR). Lives and works in Israel. Most of his life he was engaged in literary creativity: he worked in a newspaper, wrote books for adults and children, scripts for films, serials and plays for the theater. For the last ten years, Mikhail has been actively involved in painting. Baranovskiy's paintings are in private collections of art connoisseurs around the world. "Mikhail Baranovskiy - artist, writer, screenwriter. In paintings he puts the basic principles of dramaturgy. His works are filled with metaphors, unexpected plot twists, multi-layered meanings and readings. Baranovskiy has a unique, individual, recognizable style. The author works in the genre of philosophical expressionism. His works are popular in the USA, Europe and, of course, Israel, where the artist lives."